absorb demonic power

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Re: absorb demonic power
Post # 11
Id you approach pretty much any situation with hostility, you'll most likely receive hostility in return. But if you go in with an open mind, there will be way more possibilities.
However, I would only recommend working with external spirits/energies if you already have strength within yourself.
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Re: absorb demonic power
Post # 12
Sorry if what I`m about to post isn`t connecting with other posts of this thread but it seams to me that most of you who posted on this thread have very little or at least quite poorly accumulated knowledge on demons and other spiritual beings.

(This is one thing most don`t know because they are to lazy to look outside of religious texts and modern understanding of said subject)For starters all spiritual beings have same basis for there energy/mana/psi as humans, differences being in preferred alignment of said beings energy(light/positive, darkness/negative, fire, water... etc.) often not determined by entities origin but by its choices made during its development and personality, similar is with humans.

This all means that if you are proficient enough in energy absorption and gathering(from environment) you should be able to absorb power from just about any spiritual entity(although what must be remembered is that it will only grant a slight and very temporary boost in your personal supplies of energy/power, NOT to mention that said entity will resist, which means it could easily flip the tables on you and leave you with less energy/power)
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Re: absorb demonic power
Post # 13
Not trying to sound rude but, do you know much on this subject. Absorbing power is not a toy, it is an art. Along with that you want to absorb it from a soul or demon, Is this possible oblivously it is.

It depeneds what you believe. In my opinion i don't believe in demons, nor do I believe it's possible to absorb energy. You don't have the capacity and room for the demons power. If you want to know more feel free to message me, for I will explain my view of this.
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Re: absorb demonic power
Post # 14
Very well said, Fenriel.

EyesOApollo, you just contradicted yourself multiple times. You say you dint believe demons or energy absorbtion exists, yet its obviously possible? And if you don't believe in any of this then why would you say a person can't handle it? That just doesn't make sense to say.
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