Tarot Divination Help!

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Tarot Divination Help!
Post # 1
Hello everyone! I recently started divination with tarot cards (Rider Waite deck) and I have some questions

1) When is the ''best'' time for tarot? Some people say sunset and sunrise because light and dark is equal at that time, some say not in a cloudy day because it won't work etc. So when is the best time?

2) After shuffling the deck how you chose the cards? Do you use something like a pendulum? Or try to feel which cards are right?

3) How to make a spread for a specific person or a specific situation?

Thank you!
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Re: Tarot Divination Help!
Post # 2

Please read this, I believe that this will answer some of your questions;http://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=2983&coven=758

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Re: Tarot Divination Help!
Post # 3
Sadly I can't see the article :(
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Re: Tarot Divination Help!
By: / Novice
Post # 4
@ Zeus, just checked the link, it takes you right to the site articles. If its one of our, specifically the one I wrote on Tarot, its private.

1) When is the ''best'' time for tarot? Some people say sunset and sunrise because light and dark is equal at that time, some say not in a cloudy day because it won't work etc. So when is the best time?

I think it all depends on the person reading. I have done readings at various times and it comes down to the cards. If you have a connection with the cards and there isn't too much energy from past readings [cleanse the cards regularly] there's no difference I have found.

2) After shuffling the deck how you chose the cards? Do you use something like a pendulum? Or try to feel which cards are right?

Shuffle until you feel you should stop. After, ask the person to cut the cards however many times, or you cut and ask them to draw, or you cut and draw. If you are drawing, again, you will 'feel' which card to draw. Some say 'jump cards' [cards that fall out while you shuffle] should be read, but I feel its preference of the reader.

3) How to make a spread for a specific person or a specific situation?

There are hundreds to choose from, some are better in certain situations, but most have a handful they stick with because they like them. Look up tarot reading and/or spreads to get a feel for them. I'm on my phone so I can't provide links I'm afraid, sorry.
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