summoning a angel

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summoning a angel
Post # 1
Hi , i need a good spell to summon a angel for protection . Reply ^_^
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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 2
Summoning is rude, and that would be no way to treat an angel. However, you can call on your guardian angel simply by praying to one. Prayer is the best way to get an angel's attention, in my opinion.
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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 3
Actually angels come on free will. Summoning or not they come on free will. So it's not rude to summon them. There are plenty of spells to summon an angel on this site.
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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 4

Now, I don't really study up on angels, but I do study about "Summonings", now while they are not necessarily rude, they are kind of rediculous, especially if you are either new to this site, or have no experience in the field.

Now, saying that, to give you a little information on summoning, in a lot of cases summoning is a way to bring forth a spirit, demon, or those type of things into the physical plane, knowing that they will not turn into physical form. Spells like summoning, has been turned upside down, meaning there has been lot of movies or show (Charmed) that show ghosts or spirits becoming physical. This can not happen, spirits are still spirits, that have passed over, now not a lot of these summoning spells will work.

Again, if you have no experience in the field of Summoning or Banishing, I wouldn't suggest doing, not even I claim to be an expert in this field, some occasional studying. Now, it's not like a "sin" or a bad luck. It's just something, I wouldn't recommend doing until you got better practice.

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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 5
I have a question can i call angels or my guardian angel to comeback what was stolen from me?!
someone was stolen my necklace 2 years ago i really love it
i hear andromalious(he is a demon) can give you what someone stolen from you,i want to know does angel can do that?!
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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 6

I am not entirely sure exactly how to answer this based off experience.

Let's start with your necklace. Is it possible calling upon an entity can manifest something similar to your necklace or the very same necklace in make two years down the line, via a normal means such as; a gift from a friend, finding it decently priced online; etc?

It in my opinion could be a possibility.

It is very unlikely to be the exact same necklace that was owned by you two years ago. Still possible, but very unlikely.

It is more likely to be the same brand of necklace, but not your previously owned piece.

Now. It is very improbable an entity is going to manifest it before your very eyes. The reason I say it is improbable and not impossible is because I have had a personal experience where this happened to me. Though not a necklace, a feather, and not before my eyes but in my medicine bag when I had prayed for one to manifest.

I believe this is very improbable and I wouldn't actually believe it possible, except it happened to me. My prayers by the way? We're silent, I was not praying aloud.

Also to keep in mind, this experience was what I consider an initiatory spiritual experience.

It is incredibly unlikely that an entity is going to manifest an old necklace, for the sake of your wanting to own it.

Honestly, I'd replace it with something very similar that you can find for a decent price.

You could also attempt to manifest it via real-world normal means, a gift, finding one out of doors, etc but be prepared to do some energy work, and be prepared to wait a while should you need to.

A spirit, I feel, is unlikely to help with something so material, and if they did, don't expect it to appear out of air.

Manifesting work and patience may be the best bet if you wish to acquire something similar magically.

Finding it via a pendulum as well is less and less likely the longer it has been lost, but you can try.

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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 7
WOW,Thank you you really help me
yes you right i need to be patient.
My necklace was so important to me like after that i never use any.
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Re: summoning a angel
Post # 8
I think you just pray for one and that's it.
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