Do Goetic fellows possess

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Re: Do Goetic fellows possess
By: / Novice
Post # 21
The Vatican Strongy believes in Demonic possession
And several years ago they had a huge enrollment for Exorcism
Classes for priest to keep up with the Demands..It does happen
But I highly doubt it's going to Happen by messing around with the Gotia,it usually happenes to truly Religious people..I really have a very hard time believing that a lot of people who claim this are actually mentally ill..I am mentally ill
As were my mom and her mom before her
In all of my years in And out of mental Hospitals
As a visitor or a "client" :)I have never In my life met a person who claimed to be possessed by a Demon or Satan
I have known murders and Bank robbers and everything In between
No one ever claimed the Devil made me do it,also I served 11 years in prisons all over upstate New York
I heard every excess under the sun but not one person ever claimed the Devil made me do it and in Prison these days 98 percent of the population take antidepressant and seditives for different issues
I feel if people open them selves to possession and believe in it enough and fear it then it may actually happen
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