The forms

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Re: The forms
Post # 11
Yeah fairies are real as are nymphs.
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Re: The forms
Post # 12
Correction. People believe fairies and nymphs are real. There is no objective proof to support this.

Just as some people believe a bloke called Jesus turned water into wine and walked on water- many people here would discount that belief, yet would gladly state various mythical creatures are a reality.

A reality for them, perhaps.
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Re: The forms
Post # 13
Wait , dont tell me that nymps , dwarves , dyards , tree-siding troll , and faries are fake ..... In my country they were real and nice to people whom take care of them ....... They were a spirit ( doesnt matter of good and bad ) so , if they were real , as of they were not a Living Things ....
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Re: The forms
By: / Novice
Post # 14
Goes back to my first post in this thread: define "real".

Fairies (and I say this as a Faelatrist) aren't real in the material world because they haven't been categorized by anthropologists or even taxonomists. Cryptozoology fans might have fun taking pictures of tiny mummified corpses with butterfly wings glued on or something, but I suspect those are models.

On the level of what we can see in our minds' eye, I have interacted with beings that I think of as fae, but they don't call themselves that and somebody else who sees them too (that would be cool if I encountered such a person and we could validate a shared spirit experience) might call them something else. So, on that level, they are "real".

That's why definition is important.
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Re: The forms
Post # 15
I define real, as being real to everyone. A natural, physical occurrence which is generalisable to everyone.

Not an experience which is only real to the individual, like a vision etc. Yes, you may have had an actual spiritual experience, you could also be playing around with your sub-conscious mind.

I'm only interested in my own subconscious mind.

There was no offense meant by my comments, only that fairies,elves, dryads any other spiritual being do not exist in physical form (as actual beings anyway) as they are spiritual, not physical....that is of the mind. (In the sense that only the mind, albeit perhaps 'higher' aspects, can perceive them).

To believe there i a fairy in the forest, or a troll under the bridge, is the same as a child believing the boogeyman is under their bed.
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Re: The forms
Post # 16
Spirits are actual beings. And a dryad is a tree. It's the force that keeps the tree alive. If spirits weren't actual beings than we wouldn't even know they existed. All astral beings are actual beings. Actual means in this case they exist. They do exist. Other wise we wouldn't know they exist.
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Re: The forms
Post # 17
pretty hard answers , belief is belief so i believ in my own quote " the reality never known while not seeking it "
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Re: The forms
Post # 18
You evidently are a cold hard believer, there is no proof at all for their existence.

What is the spirit of man? Some people say the life force- this is created by natural physiological functions.

Some say the personality- this is created by past experiences and genetics and can be altered when the brain i altered.

How a tree is kept alive is also explained by biology.

If you read some actual literature on the astral plane, and not new-age clap trap, you would realise the the subconscious mind plays a massive role on what we perceive on the astral plane, and that the beings met there must be tested.

Not only that, if they do not bring new information which you could not have picked up on, consciously, or unconsciously, there is no proof to suggest the being are anything more than manifestations, not unlike those you find in dreams.

Spirits may exist, but there is no actual evidence to suggest or support this theory- I am talkig evidence in published journals, not the experiences of a teenager, or a person who lacks skepticism.
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Re: The forms
Post # 19
They are real in a way, but they are not as powerful as you would think. No madder how much people give them energy. They don't make things happen in an instant, same goes with all spiritual things.
They are little more than a manifest of an idea.
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Re: The forms
Post # 20
I think that is kinda harsh to say to a newbie Hadit. This is your opinion, however people she is right in a way. They are not real physically due to the simple fact that there not proven results that there real. On the other hand there real in the spiritual form or in inner dimension some may say.This hhowever is real in certain circumstances, if the person believes that.
In my opinion and my belief, I believe that those creature's are real, however in spiritual forms and on other planes. I do believe though that there not physically real and they can't be seen in the human eye.

This is all on your own opinions and beliefs. You choose what you believe in.
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