Dont know

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Dont know
Post # 1

Im new to all of this and dont know what i want to start practicing or do. How should I go about finding out??

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Re: Dont know
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I wouldn't cast spells until I knew what I was doing, so if you just want to fast spells, find out how spells work, work on visualization, energy work, meditation and circle casting. These are the basic building blocks.

If you mean a religious path, meditation can help. If you have trouble with meditation, you could try making lists. Ask yourself some questions and see what paths have similar views, then research these paths. Questions like 'do I believe in a higher being?' 'What do I feel is right/wrong?' 'Do I want to help people?' Or you could list your beliefs. If you go the meditation route, once you are relaxed just ask yourself what is your path. You will probably not get an answer the first time, but the answer might come in the form of a feeling, a vision, an animal, a deity, an object, appearing before you.

How I chose my path, I wasn't really looking, and it came to me. I've always been spiritual, but after leaving Christianity I never really found another path. When I was in my first World Religions class, we had a research assignment. On a list of 100 religions 'Wicca' seemed to draw my eye [although the spacing and font were all the same] so I chose to research it and it really spoke to me. If a path is meant to be, you will stumble onto it.
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Re: Dont know
Post # 3

Thank you nekoshema I think I will meditate and try to find the answer that way. You cant really start somewhere unless you know where somewhere is huh

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Re: Dont know
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Some adventurers in history literally pointed in any odd direction and shouted "promised land awaits us!". It isn't a bad thing that you don't know where you are or where your going. Most do not. It's important to take one step at a time, and be patient. It can be quite demeaning when you work really hard and you fail to see where things are heading. But , keep upon the path, and follow your heart. It'll take you where you long to be.

Good luck in your own adventure! :D
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