Why are covens restricted

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Why are covens restricted
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
I don't understand why some covens are restricted please help and answer

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Re: Why are covens restricted
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Well the restricted ones that is.
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Re: Why are covens restricted
By: / Novice
Post # 3
when the site opened they let basically anyone start a coven. when the site admin changed this he retired many covens. the ones left are active, have members over a certain number, and are run by a priest and priestess [most anyway] who keep the coven together, teach, and do their best to run it similar to an offline coven. spell casters is the only exception to this, as it has no leader and everyone is instantly placed in the council. The Order is for admin only, the other two are pretty much dead, but it's for advanced members, one would be for guys, the other for girls, but i don't even think they have members. if they did, you would be invited by them, not the other way around.

as a former priestess i can tell you most people restrict people from joining because their coven probably teaches more advanced subjects that a new member could get in trouble using without the proper footing. they might also restrict articles/spells/forums because it's a way to insist new members. they see subjects they wish to learn, but they can't unless they join. offline, many covens don't let anyone join, they need to be tested, so some leaders as for you to fill out an entry form, or speak with a new applicant to get to know them. if they seem like someone who would get along with the other members in the coven, then they are welcomed in.

granted, there are many reasons why covens are restricted, those are just the more common ones.
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Re: Why are covens restricted
Post # 4

Greetings graceaustin,

Nekoshema couldn't of given a better answer. Each coven's head members have different reasoning for their decision to make age restrictions. I generally got the impression it was because of the maturity level of most beginner mages.



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Post # 5
can anyone tell me how to post a new spell? thanks
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Re: Why are covens restricted
Post # 6

Greetings DarkWolf123,

  1. Click on the " SPELLS " tab on the top left hand corner of the page, it's just one tab right from the " HOME " tab.
  2. While on the spells page, click on the " ADD SPELL " tab located underneath the " SIGN OUT " tab.
  3. Then you're good to go, just create and publish your spell from there.

Hopefully these directions make sense to you. Bless be.



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Re: Why are covens restricted
Post # 7
Thank s
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