Wielding Magic

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Wielding Magic
Post # 1
For a while now, I have been searching for a teacher.
I just messaged a person, hoping for their approval to teach me, but if not would anyone from this coven be willing to teach me?

I don't see magic as it is in fairytales or stories or on television. Although, I do wish to wield its power.

It would make me more than happy to be a loyal student to a helping teacher so if ANYONE that REALLY knows how magic works and how to wield its power can accept me as their student?
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Re: Wielding Magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Most experienced practitioners will tell you no. Why?
because they see posts like this as someone who wants everything handed to them over a silver platter. And why should they dictate what you should learn when everyone has their own path that they should be walking rather than trying on coat tails.

Most of them would also ask what it is you are really wanting to learn.. and "everything" is not an answer. There are so many branches and so many paths that you need to know what it is you are looking for.

AND to find that YOU need to read.. anything and everything. Ask yourself what areas you are attracted to. What is it you want to learn really.
THEN ask for help and guidance. Once you have a place to start your teachers will find you and people will be more helpful. Why? because it will show that you are serious and if you have been reading then you will be able to start asking specific questions which people will be able to help with.

I will suggest that you start with general forum here with the post that are stuck to the top. They have a lot of information that might help find a path for you.
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Re: Wielding Magic
Post # 3
The path that I would like to head on is the use of White Magic. I would ALSO like to dab in the expertise of Black Magic as well. But not so much that it goes towards me committing Satanism.
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Re: Wielding Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 4
@ mischief well said.

@ thyunknown magick has no colour, only intent. what magick is, really, is neutral energy found everywhere and in everything. the spell caster brings this energy into them, and charges the items in the spell with this energy, and through the process of the spell, creates a positive [white] or negative [black] charge. magick isn't so straight forward as to be assigned colour [though, it does help when labelling] a spell you would consider white could be black. example, your friend is sick, you cast a healing spell, you think you're doing good, but without getting their permission, you are forcing your will over theirs, taking away their right to choose, making the once positive spell negative. same if you asked and they said no, going ahead with the spell [no matter how necessary it may be] would ultimately be negative, and you would suffer negative consequences.

there are many reasons why experienced users don't take on students. one important reason is the time and energy put into each lesson, the frustration of students who don't want to do the work, and the difficulty of explaining through words something that is felt and lived. hence why book recommendations is easier to ask for and delivered upon.

http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=500751 [Beginners resources. while written for Wiccans, there are still some helpful things for non-Wiccans]

http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=500751 [Grounding and Centering]

those should help you begin your journey. blessed be.
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