Health Remedy?

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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 2
I would sue them & change medical providers. Anyone that insane can not be trusted with your baby & you. As for how you feel I would not begin to know how to advise a pregnant woman. I will however ask Brighid to help ease your suffering & protect you and baby when I do my castings tonight. Blessings, David
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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 3
It's a tough situation and low insurance means a sucky choice of healthcare providers. I appreciate your kindness and thoughts very much! Any help is as good as any :)
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Re: Health Remedy?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Applesauce was a stock in my house when pregnant. A few spoonfuls of that here and there all day to keep the morning sickness away.

To be honest, nothing else helped me but the applesauce and peppermint candy, and I went through every remedy I could find. Be sure the candy has peppermint oil as one of the main ingredients. Mine was pretty much just cane sugar, food coloring and peppermint oil. Peppermint tea made me gag, but the candy didn't. With my first pregnancy, saltines and Coke worked. But not for the second!

Go with your cravings. Eat with them. Think about all the food you can until one clicks without making you gag. Then get it or make someone get it for you. >=)

It generally goes away by month 6. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your in for a long haul.

Also, it may be the prenatal vitamins. I couldn't take them. They made me so sick. They're not for everyone. My doctor had me take regular vitamins instead with added iron and folic acid to my daily diet. Greens and spinach are wonderful!

Another possibility is anemia and/or low blood sugar. I was prone to both. You need to eat frequently and focus on fortified or super foods, especially those with vitamin B and iron. I had to be snacking on nuts, dry cereal, crackers, yogurt shakes, etc. all day. If I didn't eat for 2 hours, I felt sick. It didn't matter if I threw up, I still ate again. It's not about quantity as much as it is frequency and quality. Avoiding food is the absolute worst thing you can do for yourself and your baby. Keep a food journal and note when you feel good and when you don't. Notice which foods you ate around the times you felt good and eat them more often. If it's sugary foods or complex carbs, then you are most likely not eating enough or need to start sipping juice and snacking all day to keep up your blood sugar. Also avoid simple carbs that cause your glucose levels to spike and plummet between meals and focus on complex ones that keep your glucose levels at a consistent rate all day.

As for choice of religion, what business is that of theirs? They don't need to know that.
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Re: Health Remedy?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Herbalism from Misc Topics.
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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 6
Thank you so much! My "clicked food" just so happened to be chicken noodle soup of all things. I've managed to eat almost 6 cans with no problem at all! Also I've been snacking on crackers almost all day. I actually feel much better. I still have a bit of nausea but not at all as bad as it was.
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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 7
I ask my Mother, who gave birth to four children, about nausea during pregnancy. She said her Doctor gave her calcium pills and that took care of her nausea. Milk made her more sick. :-)
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Re: Health Remedy?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
I'm glad you're feeling better Amara :)
It takes some time to get into a different pattern of living. With my son, my life revolved around food and listening to my body. Food was my friend and my enemy all at once.

The good new is, this will all be remedied in a few months when your baby is born. The light at the end of the tunnel is there. :)
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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 9
Ginger tea is good for stomach issues,as well as mint tea. Camomile too. look for Susan Weeds Book on the Childbearing years. Its full of great advice.
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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 10
Some People are just not as accepting as we are, if i were you id look into alternative medicine. I had cancer and for me the nausea was unbearable drink some sparkling water and vinegar that should help if not try adding more garlic to your food and try to eat the freshest food possible. And remember as frustrating as it is our religion isn't considered normal yet and its human nature to be afraid of things we don't understand that's why we make stories to go along with them, dont take it to heart sweetie.
Blessed be )o( Aris Luna
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Re: Health Remedy?
Post # 11
If using herbs you will need to be careful which ones you use and in what amounts as many affect the female reproductive system. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is one that has no contraindications for pregnancy. It is also a traditional remedy for morning sickness. A friend of mine would eat crystalized ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and said it worked great. She prefered the regular crystalized ginger to the REED's crystalized ginger as REED's tended to be too potent. It also calms the stomach/stomach acid and aids in digestion where antacids, like tums, destroy the acid in your stomach which causes digestive problems and also causes your stomach to produce too much acid.

There is also a point on the inside of the forearm, 3 finger widths up from the wrist, that is used for nausea. Just press on it when you feel nauseous. It is the same point used for the motion sickness bands. You can get a couple of those, or just a rubber band or string with a bead on it, and wear them on each arm. They are great if you have it all day or at random times, especially when you are at work and can't stop to drink tea or eat something.
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