Two Truths and a Lie

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Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 381

No, I am also pretty liberal. But I disagree when the stances become too extreme in the SJW everything is racism direction. That or the ban all guns crap that only leaves law abiding citizens defenseless. But I do agree with legalizing canabis, war is not always the answer, and everyone should have health care bit.

I do not consider myself to be a feminist but rather an egalitarian. Meaning I think everyone is important and comes with their own struggles which all deserve to be addressed and helped. What femenism used to be was amazing. What it is now in the western world has in large part become very toxic. It comes with legitimate man hating and spreading of misinformation and straight up made up "facts" and statistics with no credible sources to back it up. A lot of which is debunked with logic quite throughly. FEMinism by definition focuses solely on womens issues.

Anyways...since nobody guessed it, it's anyones go! ^_^

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 382

This has gone dead for almost five days now. So I figured I'd try reviving it. Remember, you are welcomed to participate and have a turn!

1.) I'm an omnitheist

2.) I'm a pantheist.

3.) I'm a polytheist.

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 383

I am going to guess #2?

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 384

Yeah, you nailed it! Pantheism is the idea that God is the universe. That there is really just one God and they are formless and everything. I consider myself a hard polytheist specifically Hellenic Polytheist since I honor quite a few Greek Gods and a traditionalist at that. I see each God as seperate and their own person with thoughts and feelings.

I also consider myself an omnitheist in the sense that omni=all and theist=God(s) which theist itself is derived from the Greek word Theoi meaning God/Gods as Theia means Goddess or Goddesses. But basically, I may only honor Greek Deities but I believe in the existance of all Deities. So I still believe in the Norse Gods, Hindu Gods, Shinto Gods, etc.

Anyways, since you got it, it's your go!

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 385

Alrighty, my turn!

1- I almost always wear all black

2- I like tea more than coffee

3- I love 'Alice in Wonderland'

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 386

Two! I know your style and love for Alice. <3

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 387

You got it Syren!! :)

I wear black almost exclusivly as I change up my hair color so much I never know what colors will go with it, lol.

I am not that much into tea and I LOVE coffee, coffee=life lolol!

I do adore Alice in Wonderland, and even have a half sleeve of tattos on my upper right arm of the original woodcarvings from the book :)

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 388

My favorite cat breed is:

1.) Samoyed

2.) Scottish fold

3.) Persian

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 389

My guess is #3, Persian kitties are your favorite?

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 390

They actually are my favorite. I like them extra fluffy. Have you seen them? The kittens look like stuffed animals. The extra fluff makes them look like you went into Build A Bear and tooks all the fluff and stuffed it full! When they get bigger, their tails get even bigger too so not like the thin tail you'd see on a black cat or calico, extra extra bushy. The variety of colors they come in is quite lovely too and they seem extra noisy from the extensive...research I did on Youtube. *Shamelessly marathoned cat videos and has a specific playlist just for Persians*

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