What are PSI balls for?

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What are PSI balls for?
Post # 1
I just made one, and I wanted to know what PSI stands for and what can I do with it besides play with it.
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Re: What are PSI balls for?
Post # 2

This link can give you a good idea of psi ball.hope that helps!
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Re: What are PSI balls for?
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
i believe its short for psychic. it's just a ball made of psychic energy. it can be made and programmed to do whatever you want it to. they can hang around your room, hang around you, be used to protect an area or repel things, or you could use one to hold the energy you raise while casting until you are ready to release it. the last one is probably the most commonly used.
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Re: What are PSI balls for?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
To me, psi balls are just an energy exercise to acquaint one's self on how energy feels to you. I know people have used them in different ways, but yeah, just an exercise.
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Re: What are PSI balls for?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to General Info from Introduce Yourself.
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