Wannabe Witch

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Wannabe Witch
Post # 1
Hey guys, Violet here. So, I'm new to the whole magic thing, so I just had 3 questions for you today.

1. Is it possible to create a realm and bring others into it?

2. I want to summon a pet dragon that only people who know about it can see, but all the spells i tried have failed so far.

3. My dogs have been barking at nothing A LOT since I started trying magic, can they tell somethings up?

If you have answers to any of my questions, say what number question you are answering. Thanks for your time.
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Re: Wannabe Witch
Post # 2
There's two answers I have to your questions.

To 1. It is possible to create your own realm. I did this myself about 10 years ago. But I never tried to bring anyone into it. And it is kind of blocked off now so I can't test it.

2. I think your spells might be working, but maybe YOU yourself can't see the dragon either. (That is the theory I have for my own dragon summoning)

3. My cats have been attacking something that isn't there. And every now and again I hear a snuffling sound by my door. Like there's something there but I can't see it. So maybe they can see what I can't.

Good luck with your spell casting.
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Re: Wannabe Witch
Post # 3
Pet dragon spell won't work that's what we call a fluff spell it's fake don't waste ure time
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Re: Wannabe Witch
Post # 4
3. Animals can sense changes. Your dogs could be feeling a shift in energies. There could also be more spirits hanging around you or your house because of your new practices. Animals usually can see and hear things humans cant. Your dogs will probably eventually calm down once they get used to the new presence. If your dogs can't calm down there could b an unsafe spirit lingering around. Don't fret. This probably isn't the case. They are most likely just uncomfortable or trying to adjust. Just consider the possibilities and give it some time.
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Re: Wannabe Witch
Post # 5
1. I guess you could.
2. Trust me it's a what we call a "fluff" spell. You should read up a little more on Dragons and other Animal Spirits Mythological or not.
3. Animals have a closer sense to the supernatural than spirits do, so your dog may sense your energy, as my dog sensed a spirit I summoned once.
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