wish granted

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wish granted
Post # 1
Hey guys..... I've made a wish (I can't tell ya) so anyway I hoped and believed and talked to my angels and spirit guides and all of that so yeah it came true at school but in class but I've rejected it cause I were in public so yeah the next day I've realize that I don't care if I'm in public as long as its what my heart desires but my wish hasn't come true then I've believed and hoped and prayed but god won't give me a second chance..... There's no going back :'( what can I do to get it back?
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Re: wish granted
By: / Novice
Post # 2
since you can't tell us, can't say exactly what you need to do. if it's something against nature like flight or a tail, it won't work no matter how badly you want it or how much you pray.

if, however, your wish was to get a friend back, or get straight A's in a class, you might need to put in some effort. for grades, study, for an old friend to forgive you, show you're sorry. this will take some time, but keep an eye out for signs. if after a month nothings changed [even slightly] the universe could be telling you that you're not destined to achieve this wish. final option would be you cast it wrong, but i'm no expert on wish spells, so i can't help you much there.
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Re: wish granted
Post # 3
Well I made a wish that my crush should kiss me.... Help me out pls these only one day left until the school closes only one day left for my crush to kiss me :'-(
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