Spell of Audition or ?

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Spell of Audition or ?
Post # 1
Hello I need a spell of some sort that can help with getting into a good college or job? Like do to do good on an audition. Any will do. But they will really have to work. Like a good luck or wish spell. Anything that can work, and can help! I have an audition next week, I need to get into this .. It's my only hope. Help out. Thanks!
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Re: Spell of Audition or ?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
a luck or success spell could help you. don't know any off the top of my head though. make a luck bag and keep it in your pocket perhaps. you could also try a witches handshake. when you go to shake the persons hand, extend your middle finger on your powerhand [the hand you write with] and touch the persons pulse [or close to it as possible on their wrist] then think strong and loud 'accept me' or 'hire me'. it is believed the witches handshake can implant a thought into someones mind. be sure you study, practice, and show your skills to the person, don't just rely on the spell.

not sure if this is an audition for work or school, but try to do a callback to prove you're serious. don't seem desperate, after 3-5 days call and say who you are, when you auditioned, and ask if they've made a decision, if they say no, or call later, try in 2-3 days. after that, stop. constantly calling them won't look good. also, if you need to pass in a resume, or something similar, a cover letter is a good idea. get help making one if you don't know how, but it's a nice added touch.
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