Take it back or regret it

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Take it back or regret it
Post # 1
This is a spell for someone who has broken their promise by exposing your secrets.

-Write the name of target on a 3cm x 3cm paper in any coloured ink. (black is suitable)
-Chant this; as you chant, tear the paper into small peices.
I told you my secrets, i gave you trust
3 days 3 nights will turn to dust
take back whatever you have said
or else regret it and get paid. x1

-Place the pieces of torn paper under running water.( Do not let the papers fall off your hands/grips)
-Chant this;
Nymphs of water wash these pain
Nothing's done, nothing's gained x3
-then let the pieces of papers fall into the sink(as long as it is being washed away)

-have fun with this spell =))
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