Help please

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Help please
Post # 1
I need some help on understanding this premonition I had. My premonitions always come in dream form. I dreamt that I had a little girl who died at birth because the cord was wrapped around her neck. I have had this same "dream" for quite some time now. I would just like to know if anyone would be able to better help me understand this.
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Re: Help please
By: / Novice
Post # 2
well, keep calm, i too have prophetic dreams and i can be freaked out too by them, but some don't come true. i can normally foresee a persons death, but there have been times where i've had dreams someone would die, but they don't. this dream might just be a reoccurring dream telling you to interpret it, not saying the events will transpire.

to dream you're giving birth but the child dies could be fears you have about being unable to care for a child, or perhaps be unable to even conceive a child. another option could be the baby is your inner child and you are refusing to listen to it. the child could also represent a new beginning in your life [say school or work] but for whatever reason [typically from fear of failure] you refuse to accept this. basically, the death of the child is a deep fear involving some part of your life, be it a new chapter, your innocence, or having children. my advice is to sit and reflect on your life, and the anxiety [if you know what it is] try to come to terms with it, and figure out a solution.
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Re: Help please
Post # 3
Thank you very much. To be honest most of what you have suggested is true. I am currently starting college very soon. I really appreciate your help.
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