
CovenSpell Casters ► dreams
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Post # 1
I've been dreaming and thinking about this person day to night.what does it mean? , and what's the truth to it?
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Re: dreams
Post # 2
It might mean nothing more than you spend too much time thinking about that particular person in your waking life.
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Re: dreams
Post # 3
Yeah that must be it , I think
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Re: dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 4
basically what Andromeda said, you're obsessed with this person, think about them all the time, your dreams will pick up where your daydreams left off. normally when we dream about being in a relationship or being loved, it's because we don't get enough of it in our waking life. it's hard, but back away from thinking about this person, focus on other things.
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