The disclaimer?! -.-t

CovenSpell Casters ► The disclaimer?! -.-t
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The disclaimer?! -.-t
Post # 1
the disclaimer has me skeptical,
and also in the FAQs it says it can explain why it says "For entertainment purposes only", but its not even elaborate. .-.
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Re: The disclaimer?! -.-t
Post # 2
The disclaimer is just to protect the site and its owners from the stupidity of users. There are a lot of spells on this site, like the summoning spells, that could cause a lot of problems if someone inexperienced tried them. For obvious reasons the site put the disclaimer in place. Some of the covens do allow cuss words and some of the spells and rituals are advanced so the site has an age limit and the disclaimer saying that if kids or adults do anything stupid in conjunction with information they found on the site, they owner can't be held liable for it.

For entertainment purposes only was probably put in place to advise users that not all of the spells here are real. The fantasy section is full of fake spells. You aren't going to turn into a werewolf with magic because it's obviously not possible, but if you tried the spell you would be doing it for your own entertainment.

Make sense now?
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Re: The disclaimer?! -.-t
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Altered sums it up nicely. as he said, it's just to protect the owners. especially thanks to spell casters, anyone can post anything on the site, and anyone can use the information. you could tell someone not to, but you could be in England, and they're in Australia, so what more can you do than say no? then the person casts the spell and gets hurt in the process, so they [or the parents] blame the site they got it from. this disclaimer just saves the sites bacon. [so to speak]

also, there's over 6000 spells, and while i haven't gone through each and every one [i have ranked and flagged a bunch of them though] i'd say at least half either don't work, or could pose a threat [physically or not] to the caster. there's only one person who can delete these spells, and he's very busy with running the site and having a life offline, so these spells remain on the site just filled in different places. the disclaimer is just a safely net. plus i feel the 'turn you into a toad' at the end is a. a joke, b. a way to scare those who don't know what real magick is.
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Re: The disclaimer?! -.-t
Post # 4
It's simply entertainment. Majority of the members here use it for that purpose and some do both study and entertainment.
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