Basics Spell Casting

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Basics Spell Casting
Post # 1

Okay I have been asked multiple times, what are the first steps in casting a spells? Well I am creating this for the Spell Casters coven. I am going to do a basic list of ways you can get started in the path of being a spell caster.


This is for consintration and for relaxation of the mind try and think of nothing, doing this will make it easier when you are focusing on what you want your spell to do. Do this for as long as you feel necessary. BUT REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A BLANK MIND TO FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT.


Casting a circle is apart of keeping energies that you do not want to interfier with your meditation or spells. If you follow the path of Wicca you start in the east and you do it clockwise, you stick out your hand and you point you index finger (Also known as your power finger.) and imagine your energy creating a line and you can make it as big as you want. Just make a circle. Then to reverse the circle go counter clockwise.


Energy is in everything, even you have energy, we use that energy and munipulate it and bend it to our will. We can move it all over our body or to different objects.


People are under the essumption that their are black and white magick, but to tell you the truth magick is only shade of grey it's just the persons intentions of using it. To use it your must have faith and believe it will work, but don't let it get to your head, you must know the difference from real and fantasy.

Spell Writing

Some of you like to use spells that are not created by you and that is fine, but you will not get the best results, the best result and the most reliable results are the spell you write on your own. Making spells are fairly easy, and there are many of ways to do it, but again YOU MUST KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REAL AND FAKE.

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Re: Basics Spell Casting
Post # 2
Great Post!! -thumbs up-
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Re: Basics Spell Casting
By: / Novice
Post # 3
not a bad post, i would of gone into more detail, but still a helpful start for those who are new. to go a little further into magick, magick and spells are just ways to connect with the energy in nature to effect our lives. this is neutral energy, through our spell we make it positive or negative. nothing in magick is ever as simple as 'black magick/white magick'. what you see in the movies is fiction to entertain you. illusionist use it all the time in magic shows. real spiritual magick, is similar to prayer, calling upon something greater than yourself to effect your life. magick can work to bring luck, love, wealth, health, curse another and many other things involving energy or invisible influences in our life. the fake magick effects our physical or works instantly, such as transformation, teleportation, flying, and so on.

start out with meditation, energy work and circle casting before actual spells. when you wish to cast, i always suggest starting with candle magick to reinforce the basics. once you wish to move past basics, but are still unsure, a simple rule on this site to remember is the 'trick' and 'fantasy' sections were made as a place to put non-working spells. about 99% are fake, so avoid them until you have better footing.
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Re: Basics Spell Casting
Post # 4
It also helps to read!!! Read! Read! READ! Knowledge is power.
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Re: Basics Spell Casting
Post # 5

Thank you for continueing my forum, my fingers got cramped so I had to make it short and sweet.

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Re: Basics Spell Casting
Post # 6
thanks, i found it useful :)
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