
CovenSpell Casters ► Destiny
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Post # 1

There are several arguments that have been made over the years as to what our destiny, or what destiny itself really is. Is it a cloth, woven using not just ours, but others' as well, or is it like a painting, not understandable until it is fulfilled? Well, I believe it is like a plant, or vine. A plant has roots, which extend outward underground, representing the different parts of our destiny that are part of the main body, and the body of the plant representing us in particular. A vine is even better for patronizing desstiny, because it interacts with itself as it grows, showing our interaction with others as well. Yet, one might also be able to think of Destiny as a chain, adding a chain link every time we make a choice, and always causing us to have a "circle moment" which is where you encounter something you've encountered in the past. So, what do you think? what is Destiny?

Written by Tomcat

P.S. to the leader of Spell Casters, I want to ask if I can write articles like this, sort of like a newspaper article, and place it in the forums. I can write whatever suites you, as well as the other members. Please respond, and others, please comment, and tell me what you thought about this. Thanks

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Re: Destiny
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It's a great post :)
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Re: Destiny
Post # 3

thanks. my parents told me i have a talent for writting, but i never really beleved them.

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Re: Destiny
Post # 4
Well I believe that in all reality destiny/fate is what you make of it. I believe that if destiny was a gallery with nothing in it and everybody had a gallery, going through life daily would be like turning bits and pieces of randomness into an artful collage or painting and then eventually when we pass on to the next life we would put it on display for everybody to enjoy.
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