Good Vampire spell?

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Good Vampire spell?
Post # 1
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Re: Good Vampire spell?
Post # 2
No, just no.
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Re: Good Vampire spell?
Post # 3

You will not change your physical body into a form it is not. We are human and many believe we are so for a reason. Here are a few points on why we cannot become something other than human.

  • For physical events to occur, physical energy must be present.
  • We cannot control physical energy outside of our own bodies.
  • We need understanding of human and non-human DNA (which most people here do not have), as well as how to change that DNA without collapsing the entire structure.

There are people who believe in psychic or emotional vampirism, though you have to think back to what vampirism is and how it is viewed in different cultures; a curse. For many spirits in lore, vampirism is a hindrance more so than it is anything to gain. If you want to learn about vampirism, I would say the most legitimate way to go is to study them in different cultures and recognize them as spirits, rather than physical beings. Learn to shield, bind, or otherwise work with them. It can be an interesting topic if delved into with common sense and a good mindset.

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Re: Good Vampire spell?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
while something like a psi vampire is real, they rely on energy, not blood. as well as sanguine, but that's more of a lifestyle not a spell cast to change.

magick is energy found within nature and cannot contradict nature. humans cannot change into other creatures. you are human. you were born human, you live a human life, and will die a human. end of story. magick cannot change you.

lets say you cast a spell and you begin to feel results, 99% chance it's a placebo effect and nothing else. your mind is a powerful thing, and if you wish hard enough, and want something bad enough, your mind can make your body begin to believe it's real. false pregnancy is a very real thing, when a woman's desire for a child is so great, the body can go through all the stages of pregnancy; morning sickness, lack of mensuration, lactation, even swelling of the abdomen. everything except no fetus. vampire spells work the same way. real spiritual magick is a lot like prayer, you're putting out energy and asking a higher power to help make your dreams a reality, but if you're asking for something impossible, it won't happen.

my advise it to research all types of vampires, psi, sanguine, even astral vampires and blood magick. try to incorporate this desire into your practices. learning about magick might also be a good idea. sorry if this is upsetting, but you need to understand, magic you see on tv is made to entertain. real magick pagans cast is far more spiritual and has a lot more limitations.
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Re: Good Vampire spell?
Post # 5

ya can't turn into vampire,that's all posted by ppl who don't know magick,are beginners or role-players,ya can't be anything else,only human

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