Contraversial Questions

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Contraversial Questions
Post # 1
okay I am having a dispute between a friend and I. I am trying to convince him to get into migick and I am not sure what to tell him about smoking pot. Since I dont smoke weed I dont have the issue but when one is in witchcraft, are they able to smoke weed? This is the "ice breaker" for him. Does anyone know?
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Re: Contraversial Questions
Post # 2
Any help and/or advice is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Contraversial Questions
Post # 3
well, in some beliefs smoking pot destroys your temple which is your body, and some people believe it does harm to you rather than helps you, in witchcraft or wicca I don't think there's a rule or law that says you don't have to smoke pot or if you have to smoke pot. However in a few ancient sorcery spells they used drugs in order to become closer to the spiritual realm or to go into the spiritual realm. And in some tribes the shamans you hallucinatory drugs in order to go into a spiritual vision or into a spiritual state. Also in some native american tribes they use tobacco for a peace offering or in some tribes they use hallucinatory drugs or weed to get close to the spiritual realm or for recreational reasons. So if your friend is doing pot for spiritual reasons that may be the reason why he's doing this. Unless he is using it for recreational or medical uses. But if you are concerned about his health or whatever I would suggest talking to him, of course don't force him to stop smoking pot but I suggest just talking with him, and if he says no then be cool with it. But if you don't want him to smoke pot around you while you are doing spells with him or when he's inside your house then make a house rule that he cannot smoke pot in your house or around you and suggest if he really has to smoke it then tell him to smoke outside in his car or vehicle. However I suggest for his safety to not let him drive while or after he smokes pot because that could be dangerous. I would suggest after he smokes if he has driven himself to your house let him sit down and relax in your house until his buzz is gone so he doesn't go driving under the influence of being high. you could also if you do not want him smoking anywhere in your house tell him to smoke at home instead of at your house, just tell him to smoke after he's Anat your house at his own home. But yeah choose the right moment to tell him if you are worried about him smoking pot tell him that you are worried about his health, but if he says no then be cool with it. But I highly suggest you just tell him to smoke pot at home if you don't want him to smoke at your house or if you are worried he might drive some where under the influence of smoking pot just to be safe. Anyways that's all blessed be!
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Re: Contraversial Questions
Post # 4

First off, it's always a good idea to let people choose their own path, rather than trying to convince someone to join yours. Trust me, it works out much better in the long run.

And Marijuana is perfectly fine to use when practicing witchcraft, but it's not exclusively used in the practice. Their are some people who will use it to aid with visions, astral travel, psychic work, and the like; but it's not heavily used in most practices. If your friend would like to use it, then that's entirely his decision.

Just as a disclaimer though, in some placesMarijuana is against the law to posses, smoke, or use. I'm by no means condoning this activity.

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Re: Contraversial Questions
Post # 5
good input sinix, like sinix said pot has been used in some magickal or spiritual reasons, I did not know that pot was used in witchraft or wicca, however I do know that beer and alcohol has been used in witchcraft in ancient spells in order to gain certain powers. But yeah like sinix said just let him choose his own path, like I said do not force him to stop smoking pot, if you have to say something about it if you are concerned about his health, but if he doesn't agree with you then just be cool about it. But sometimes it's better just to let people do what they got to do, and them live the path they want to live.
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Re: Contraversial Questions
Post # 6
i know but he didnt know if it would prevent him from being able to start practicing witchcraft in general
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Re: Contraversial Questions
By: / Novice
Post # 7
an intoxicated state won't prevent you, it'll just make it a bit more challenging since you need a clear mind. there's no rule though that says he needs to give up these things. [unless you feel it violates the Wiccan Rede, if you follow the Rede] i know of people who use marijuana in their spell work, i've even acquired a few spells which calls for a pinch of pot. like with all plants, it has magickal properties. it can, however, be easily substituted with a legal item.

if your friend wants to practice and isn't being forced, he has every right, but he should meditate and determine himself if he should continue while smoking pot. many religious groups in history have used various types of hallucinogens in their rituals, while i'm not giving a yes or no, i'm saying he can still do witchcraft if he chooses to use drugs.before he goes any further with the pot [and no, i'm not anti or pro pot use] be sure he researches, talks to some medical experts, and is aware of all the pro's and cons. goes for anything really, don't jump in without some understanding of the good and bad.
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