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Post # 1
How does one become a vampire or incubus
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Re: Help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
they don't.

you are human, nothing can ever change this. vampires and incubus are astral beings and we are physical. magick is energy found in nature, as such it's limited to the laws of nature. humans cannot change into other beings, so magick cannot do this because it goes against nature.

now, before you throw out 'but on (insert show)' '(user) claims they're a vampire' or 'i found this spell on here', people lie, Hollywood is to entertain, and people in Spell Casters Coven can post anything they want without having to prove it works. all spells claiming you can change into a vampire or incubus do not work, they were posted by people who didn't know what magick can and can't do, they thought up a spell, or saw a movie with a spell, thought it was real, and posted it.

what you can try, since they're astral, is to call forth their energy when performing your magick in the same way you would call upon a deity or the elements. while i do not recommend summoning an incubus, an option could be to invoke one, or study their personality and act like them. granted, i'm also not telling you to go out and have sex with every random stranger, research vampires and incubus.
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Re: Help
Post # 3

You can't become a vampire, werewolf, mermaid, fairy or anything other than human.

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