Direction plz ^_^

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Direction plz ^_^
Post # 1
I've been looking around for a while now and I've been tricked twice; the first time I paid $150 for online tutoring which turned out to be a hoax -_- (oh well) the second time I was a little more careful, I read a few more forums and researched a bit but I got tricked into being somekind of 'goat' (?) for an experimental spell, kinda like a guinnie pig or something. So I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to give me some kind of general direction, right now I'm focusing on getting some answers to life, not so much the whole 'power' thing, but I would like to move up to that. so if there is anyone out there plz help ^_^
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Re: Direction plz ^_^
Post # 2
I should recommend you to start meditation and opening the third eye..Is hould add I am a new wicca too, so don't feel embarrassded to ask. I am just an expert on feeling auras, finding your totem and have created my own spells. Ferel free to ask
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Re: Direction plz ^_^
Post # 3
What BeastHarlot said (hey, meditation is free, and probably the only occult activity which has effects verifiable by science,) only I say start with your root chakra, NOT the third eye!! The third eye is overrated and people who meditate on it first usually then meditate upon it excessively are more likely to burn it out than gain clarity of vision. It may be hypocritical because I myself started out with the third eye, but then you can believe I speak from experience when I say the psychic energy body needs to be circulated, not lumped only ever in one place like New Agers encourage people to do with the third eye. FOUNDATIONS FIRST , people!

Similarly, I could advise you to meditate on some other system like the Sephiroth (which also has a path, and I repeat FOUNDATIONS FIRST , people!) both the chakra system and the sephiroth have the virtue of ancient structure. Structure, that may or may not work for an individual; the ancientness could mean either it's tried-and-true...or outdated. So in these things you need to get to know your self and find what works for you personally, and the way I would personally recommend is through meditative soul-searching, which I see you've already been doing.

However, tailored to your question... BeastHarlot and I are both members of the Way of the Star coven, which teaches the basics if you want to join, or there's also other promising covens opening up, or you could just wander the site. In WotS, though, it's not so much answer-giving as experiential and experimental (though not on each other, just on ourselves,) but I hope whatever you choose to do will be useful on your path. Blessings!
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