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Post # 1
I am looking for how to summon an ordinary object, I know there are spells for like summoning the dead and summoning other things that, quite honestly, I do not want to dabble in. If any of you know how to do that, maybe even without doing arithmancy first that would be GREAT!!!
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Re: Summoning...
Post # 2
Austin Osman Spare

He was very important magician who was neglected by most of the authors of magical literature and finally he received recognition by Kenneth Grant in his book "The Cults of the Shadow." When Spare was young, he was member of Crowley's order Argentum Astrum and Crowley continued to treat him as his student until the publishing of Spare's book "The Focus of Life." Spare said about him that Ms. Peterson, very mysterious old lady who claimed to originate from a many generations of witches, initiated him in witchcraft. Spare says that she had power to materialize her thoughts when she couldn't express herself with words. They used to go on many Sabbaths (witch meetings) with their astral bodies, because the Sabbaths were held on the Astral Plan.

Spare was a gifted painter and he won the Royal Scholarship for attending a college for painting. Spare published two books "The Book of Pleasure" and "The Focus of Life" and also one unfinished grimoire where he presented his teachings. He claimed that his books are dictated to him by his familiar that he called "Black Eagle." His magic relied on the sexual energy condensed through special sigils that he used for evoking spirits as well as for materializing wishes. This technique of "sigilization" as well as his teachings about Zos, the body as a whole, and Kia, the immortal soul, was incorporated and further developed by Peter Carroll to form what is today known as Chaos Magick. Spare is considered the "grandfather" of Chaos Magic. He died poor and deserted in a basement in London.
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