Confused toVampire Spells

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Confused toVampire Spells
Post # 1
I really really wanna be one of those magical creatures but the problem is, it doesnt work at all.. so many priests even believe that there is no such way that humans have right and power to reject their soul and get converted into anything they wanted to be.. simply because humans are humans, probably not god or creater of humans.. Inspite of these all stuffs, why is numerous Vampire spells (may be even other creatures spells) are given and written in SoM?? Here, This is the main center Im losing my mind
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Re: Confused toVampire Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 2
it cannot be done. the reason these spells are posting is because of this coven. anyone can post spells and articles here, but only one person can delete them, and Pet is busy running the whole site, so they stay up for a while. many people watch Charmed or Buffy, or Sabrina, and think that's what being a witch is like. so they go online, find SoM, join, and start posting spells they saw on the shows, or thought up. that's why there's a lot of non-working spells. once this is explained to the people, they either feeling silly and leave, throw a fit and demand they're right, or, sometimes, they stay and learn true magic. these spells, however, stay for a very long time.
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Re: Confused toVampire Sp
Post # 3
I truely appreciate you! and thank you for your answer. You cleared my misconception but I still feel like to believe it strongly. I dont know why? and thanks for the answer.
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Re: Confused toVampire Sp
Post # 4
Many would like to believe this so they do try it. There was a post a while back saying you don't have to be an immortal pale skinned red eyed super powerful being to be a vampire. You can be a person who is pale skinned person who is fit, likes red contact lenses, has a different schedule, and a wierd diet. You don't need spells to make you something you can just portray yourself as.
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Re: Confused toVampire Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Silvers got a point, there are other option. you'll never become a real vampire like in myths, but many people choose to live the life of a vampire. it's called sanguine vampires [vampyre] they live a lifestyle similar to a vampires; avoid sunlight wear Gothic or Victorian clothing, wear contacts, file their teeth or wear fake fangs, even consume rare meat and blood. it's an option, but be sure to research the lifestyle, and if you choose to consume blood, it should be in small amounts. if you also choose a blood donor, have them tested to make sure they don't carry anything.

psi vampires are another option. normally you're born as one, but some people claim through training you can become one. you won't be a real psi, but it's close enough. psi vampires 'feed' of peoples energy, instead of their blood. you need to work with energy manipulation if you wish to become a psi vampire.

third option, on the astral plane, i'm told vampires are real, just like many astral beings. you cannot become one, but you could study blood magic, and call upon vampires to increase the spells power the same way you would cal upon any deity.

whatever you choose, just research before doing, better to be safe than sorry.
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Re: Confused toVampire Sp
Post # 6
Thank you Silver and Nekoshema.
But what Im thinking is Does the becoming of Sanguine or Psi or Astral Vampire possess supernatural abilities? Like, flying, possesseing perfect sense of colour, taste, smell and sight.. And even like possessing the weakness exactly that of Vampires..
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Re: Confused toVampire Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 7
you cannot become an astral vampire. that's like becoming a spirit.

sanguine are humans, you don't get any supernatural ability, you just live a lifestyle. a psi vampire becomes rather good with energy work, most see auras, and can get some extra energy when they feel sluggish from other living things. normally human, but i've met some who have been able to tap into the energy of plants. they were born so i don;t know if you can train to do that or not.

supernatural abilities, like flight, cannot be done by humans, even if they are witches. magic, as i've said, is a force of nature, flying isn't in our nature as humans, so magic cannot change this. astral vampires you cannot become one so you can't gain supernatural powers. sanguine vampires are not real vampires, they live a particular lifestyle, so you cannot gain supernatural powers. psi vampires, they do have some slightly heightened senses, but mostly involves energy work. if you want 'power' train to become a psi, the others won't grant you anything special.
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Re: Confused toVampire Spells
Post # 8
Yes but first of all humans are divine beings. And believe they are humans because of the.. system. By the way I think a spell worked for me but I'm not sure. Try the pale skin one.
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Re: Confused toVampire Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 9

both these spells will not work along with every other spell claiming to turn you into another being. as it's been said, magic doesn't work that way.

if you do experience anything, it's a placebo effect, you want something to happen, so your brain tricks your body into thinking something did happen. it's rather common. look up 'false pregnancy' or 'pseudocyesis' it's a condition where the mind tricks the body. when a woman wants to get pregnant so bad, the brain can trick the body into thinking it is. little or no mensuration, swollen abdominal, abdominal pain, morning sickness, even lactation. everything except actually being pregnant. this isn't exclusive to humans either, many mammals such as dogs, cats, even mice have be found with a form of false pregnancy, this normally occurs when they breed with an infertile male, but they think they're pregnant because, well, they mated.

another thing to look into is hypochondria, sometimes it's mild, but more severe cases of hypochondria can result in the person perceiving, or possibly even showing, many of the symptoms of a particular disease.
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Re: Confused toVampire Sp
Post # 10
The last thing I shall say about this is my own experience, as it may help you. I used to dream of dragons, being a dragon, etc. I found this site a about a year ago maybe less, and I was thrilled to find all these spells and such. So excited I talked about it on the chatter. They would say things like thats impossible and it hurt me too, and after a while I gave up with it. I then started to study Draconics as I call it and its like every answer to your question gets answered. Then my computer broke before I could publish my article... But now in terms of transforming into dragons I do it by -Quick note I DON'T transform, this is how I picture transforming- practicing a craft, I give wisdom, I sound old sometimes, wear unusual clothing runed shirts, and I'll even practice speaking in riddles just so I can get better. One important piece of advice, don't try so hard to be something your not. You'll only tie yourself in a knot. Follow your heart and you shall find your own path just as many of us found ours, I hope this advice helps. :) Silverdsd
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