third eye

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third eye
Post # 1
can anyone tell me what your third eye is and how you open it
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Re: third eye
Post # 2
. It is spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply-personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences, and people who have allegedly developed the capacity to use their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. to develop it just close you eyes and lay in a quiet dark room and focus on a small circle in the center of your forehead, you could also look around this site's threads for more methods

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Re: third eye
Post # 3
Hehe, I chuckle everytime I see these threads. Is it really THAT hard to open your third eye, huh people? I did it myself way before I even found this site. I don't see how this can be such a struggle. Most people worry about the third eye, but you should balance out your other chakras as well. If it's really this hard for people, why not get a good "Psychic for Dummies" book? There is plenty of great literature about it out there. Don't feel embarrassed when you take it up to the counter for checkout. Yeah, people will give you weird looks...just give them a "screw you" stare.
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Re: third eye
Post # 4
Sorry but I don't think some people see it as being "Hard" as they just do not know how it is accomplished properly. Any question should be answered with some type of sincerity as not everyone is born with abilities nor did some have expert teachers. Everyone needs to learn at some time through their lives.
There are several sites dedicated to helping people to "open" their third eye, pm me and I will be happy to give you the links.
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Re: third eye
Post # 5
Theres too many guides on it for me to point one out to you, just run a search on google, but i will tell you that steer clear from spells. All the ones ive seen require you to buy a bunch of herbs, maybe a crystal, and meditate at certain phases and crap. Thats not necessary, you can do it without all that.

And guides are all different and based off different beliefs, some will talk about praying to god and others tell you to form hand signs, its all your preference really. But if you really cant find any ill give you some random site i searched for.
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Re: third eye
Post # 6
OK... here I go again.. and because I am too lazy to type.. everything over again..

and if you still have questions.. then I will answer them gladly...^_^ I am here to help after all.. but you need to read the whole thread.. if you are serious about learning techniques concentration on chakra points.. THANK YOU.
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