i have noticed

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Re: i have noticed
Post # 41
Well, its to be expected on nearly any website. People that go around soliciting sex should just be ignored. Yes, there's a chance children will see it, but in all honesty is it anything they haven't already heard before? Children are constantly being pushed to get older and older by mainstream pop-culture. That's why we have so many social problems that we didn't use to have. Now the culture is always spreading a message of 'Party all the time, drink to your liver is shot, and have sex all you want IT'S FUN!' Its really disgusting. Of course I admit to being highly opinionated, and I'm often ostrasized by my peers because of it. It's the facts though, and sadly there's nothing we can really do about it.
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Re: i have noticed
Post # 42
" [off topic] xShadowWolfx I felt some good energy from that blue in your avy."

Thanks lol xD I made to have that mystic yet calming feel about it
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Re: i have noticed
Post # 43
AxelBraver i agree completely, the media and world are forcing kids to grow up far too early. Why do you think 10 year olds and lower are doing stripper dances and little kids are having sex with each other? Because the media is throwing sex in their faces 24hrs a day making it seem cool. That and people arnt teaching their kids well enough.

Death, i disagree completely, children shouldnt be exposed to such things at all. That is sick to the core. Theres a reason why children arnt developed at a certain age, they shouldnt be doing anything like that. You say its because people have told their kids not to have sex, but these days its promoted everywhere, i dont know what time your living in, so those words dont apply. You cant listen to music or watch tv without seeing or listening to something completely sexually oriented. If you think they should have sex just because it feels good, then you are a very simple minded and sick person.
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Re: i have noticed
Post # 44
I didn't ever say KIDS should be exposed to that. I said that the only reason there is a stigma is because it's been made into a taboo. Children should learn about sex as they go into puberty, so they are prepared for it.

I was sexually abused as a child and sexually exposed as well I would NEVER put that on another person I think it is absolutely f*cking disgusting that you think I was implying that.

I merely said that sex shouldnt be demonized, this happens mostly at the highschool level which is when they want to have sex the most.. Until medical science got so advanced most girls were being wed and bearing children at 13-15 etc.. I am not saying it's right, but they need to be taught what to do to not end up preggers and with HIV since, HEY, IT'S GONNA HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT.

Teenagers are in a state of intense sexual frustration. It happens, it will always happen, it probably always has happened. Unless you're gonna bolt your kids knees together, it will happen to them too.
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Re: i have noticed
Post # 45
Alright fine.
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Re: i have noticed
Post # 46
I feel.. and think the same when I was eight... *_* so probably I should say I am eight.. sadly my ID will not agree
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