how to call spirits

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how to call spirits
Post # 1
can anybody tell me how to call spirits
i want to call spirits of necronomicon but listen that they are very dangerous and need sacrifice otherwise may give problem to family i have download book of simon necronomicon
i tried to call tuku but dont experiance anything but my mother
get sick from that day and now it takes more than 45 days but she still facing problems of cough and cold
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Re: how to call spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 2
i don't deal with the necronomicon, so i can't help you there, however i do deal with spirits. you don't need a sacrifice to call to a spirit, just invite one into your house. something like 'all entities who wish to help me are welcome'. be sure to specify you don't want a negative being who wish to harm you to enter. you could also put a white candle in an open window to bid them welcome. be sure to protect yourself, your family and your home, as well as research before doing anything beyond that though.

how long have you been studying? while i'm not here to tell you to not use the 'dark arts' or the necronomicon, you should study before casting, especially when it comes to 'black magic' since it's a form of high magic and is far more dangerous than healing or low magic. pick up some books and research different spirits, demons, and astral beings, before trying to summon one.
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Re: how to call spirits
Post # 3
Its very dangerous you could be possessed or your house gets haunted
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