apology spells

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apology spells
Post # 1
In June, me and my fiance will be together for 2 years. And in these two years, we have fight with bitter anger over nothing. And when he starts something, his mother blames it on me. And a few months ago I thought everything was over. My family has hated him since day one and do nothing but give me hell about loving him and I cracked and tried to break it off so my family would be nice for once. And now his mother hates me and my fiance has accepted my apologies as apart of our new years resolution but his mother hates me no matter what I do. So if anyone has an apology spell or ritual, please let me now.
P.s I don't know his mothers name...
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Re: apology spells
By: / Novice
Post # 2
you've been together for 2 years and don't know her name?

crappy situation you're in. i'm hoping you've already done this, but you both need to sit down and talk about why you fight over everything, figure out what makes the two of you argue so much and work to resolve it. if you just decided, it's a new year and this is my resolution, hate to say it, you'll probably start fighting again. try meditating on the issue, you should get something.

for a forgiveness spell, i could look through my spellbooks, but i think a honey jar spell would be best. the spell should soften the person and let you say what you have to without storming off right away. of course at some point you might have to throw up your hands and choose one or the other. constantly trying to please everyone will kill you.
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Re: apology spells
Post # 3
I knew her name but forgot it. We dont live on the same side of the world. We've not fought in about 3 months and we're pretty happy but his mom has to go start shit. She thinks I'm crazy for being a Wiccan (but is perfectly ok with her Thelemite son practicing chaos magick in the house) I'll try the honey jar spell but I doubt it will make this hags heart go soft.
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Re: apology spells
Post # 4
But besides my religion, I have no clue why she hates me.
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Re: apology spells
By: / Novice
Post # 5
heads up, watch the swears, it's against the rules, you could get gagged.

what you need in that case is to do a deviation, try to see why she doesn't like you. some people will just hate you, it's hard, especially when they're in your family, but at some point you need to stop trying. you can't cut the person out of your life, and i wouldn't advise you to try, but you should try to avoid confrontations with the woman. my grandmother hates my mother, so i've seen what can happen, so try to be nice, but don't go out of your way to make her accept you.
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Re: apology spells
Post # 6
First to meditation
go to the root cause
remember the best time with her
how fighting start - on that day and beffore that to whom you meet
start keeping notes to whom you talk on phone or to whom you meet where you go and what you eat outside at friends house
when this type of situation comes

who start fighting first and on what issues note down and think
whether this problem is due to spirit attack or really misunderstanding or due to behaviours of each others

according to this you can make spell
i think this type of conditions are due to evil attacks
so according to me in this situations you need to take help of elders -- professionals

and in many cases there may severe black magic on you problems may found afterwards once you awware about it
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Re: apology spells
Post # 7
Swear word was.an accident. I'll try my best to attempt both things.
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