
CovenSpell Casters ► wiccan-occult
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Post # 1
whats the diffrence from wiccan to occult?
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Re: wiccan-occult
Post # 2
and pegan
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Re: wiccan-occult
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Wiccan is what people who follow Wicca are called.

Pagan and the Occult are basically the same thing. they are both umbrella names for anyone who studies magic or a 'new age' religion that's earth based. Occult can also include beliefs in demons, astral projection, aliens, magic and mythical creatures among other things. Pagan just means you pray to multiple deities, practice magic, and/or worship nature. [celebrate the seasons]

you really don't have to choose one of those labels for yourself, you can also choose witch, wizard, mage, shaman, and a slew of others, it just comes down to what you're most comfortable with.
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Re: wiccan-occult
Post # 4
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Re: wiccan-occult
Post # 5
Occult actually means "hidden" or "unseen". It is used to refer to magic because magic is the unseen energy in nature. Wicca is a "nature based" religion that was started by Gerald Gardener. Pagan is used refer to all religions that aren't Christian, Islamic, and things like it. A few examples of Pagan religions are Wicca, Satanism, Shamanism, and other related religions.

If you want to read more about it The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-Paganism has some good info on all of these things.
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Re: wiccan-occult
Post # 6
Ok, thanks
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