Glass Walking

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Glass Walking
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

Four meters of smashed sterile wine bottle glass lie before you, the centre piece of a glass walking event. You're invited to walk across – could you?

Glass walking isn't just about beating fear

Many of you will have heard the expression "walking on egg shells", which is a metaphor to explain how an individual may feel in a temperamental or fragile relationship. Walking on glass is an exercise in challenging and developing the mind/body connection. It can prove to be a rewarding and unforgettable experience in your journey to a greater understanding of how to breakdown sub-conscious and deep routed fears we carry around with us.

No one wakes up in the morning thinking—"I am going to walk barefoot on a pile of broken glass today to develop the mind/body connection." It is something we are introduced to, taught how to accomplish and encouraged to achieve this unusual feat to expand our preconceived perceptions of what we can or cannot accomplish.

Anyone can walk safely across broken glass with the correct guidance. It is not merely enough to know how it is done, just like anything else in life, knowing is one thing and doing another! Glasswalking is all about overcoming the fear that is preventing you from taking the all important first step. This is the same fear that prevents people from having all they desire and being all they can be. Walking across broken glass leaves you with an understanding that you are truly capable of anything and that the only thing that makes anything impossible is that if you believe it is.

Glass walking is a great way to teach people that THEY can change, grow and overcome limiting beliefs in order to do things they previously thought impossible.

How does walking barefoot over razor sharp pieces of broken glass sound? Is your mind wandering off already and thinking ... pain ... injury? We will teach you how to walk on glass with our supervision we will show you how to concentrate your mind on "the here and now".

How many times have you rushed into a project, situation or relationship, only to get hurt? As a result, you may have stopped trusting yourself and learned to be afraid to move forward and take the next step. Or, you may simply not know what is the right step to take next.

Walking on glass is a unique practice that helps your mind gain focus. It teaches you how to carefully take the next step to reach your goals, dreams and visions

It helps you develop a connection between your body and mind. Walking carefully on glass forces you to stay in the present moment and become conscious of your inner body. By not becoming lost in thinking or distraction, you connect more deeply to your core being.

Amazingly, stepping on broken glass can also purify and heal. It is both relaxing and simultaneously stimulating ... a bit like having reflexology performed on your feet. Indentations on specific parts on the foot indicate attention required at a specific point on the body.

Why would you want to walk barefooted on broken glass?

Face your fears. Stimulate your body, healing and empower yourself to do anything you wish

""The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone." [2] Orinson Swett Marden

Re: Glass Walking
By: / Novice
Post # 2
wonderful post :) I've never heard of it

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