
CovenNatural Magick ► Firewalking
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By: / Beginner
Post # 1
I came across this and found it interesting and thought to share it.

Firewalking has its origin in pre-history. In many countries the ancient's fire walked in powerful rituals of renewal. Throughout the ages fire walking has been a part of the tapestry of human culture. It has always been practiced in the context of emotional, physical or spiritual healing.

Today the firewalk has captivated hundreds of thousands worldwide as a tool of empowerment. Over the last two decades firewalking has helped manifest healing, joy and love.

The firewalking ritual is life changing for most people – a very personal experience and extremely positive effects short and long term. The short term effects of fire walking include:

Deep healing through the magic of the fire.
Overcoming fears and limited beliefs.
The energy to live in the now and start creating the life you desire today.
Awakening the power to manifest your dreams.
A greater connection with the earth and her elements.
Expanding your current level of awareness.
Celebrating a very special night in a circle of equality empowered fellow journeyers.
The long term benefits are:
Gaining a greater sense of purpose.
The ability to channel the power of the experience in your life.
Stepping into a powerful lineage of ancient medicine.
Enjoying lasting friendship forged through the powerful and life changing fire walk experience.
A memory you will never forget.


There are various theories as to how and why it is possible to walk barefoot over a bed of hot coals without injury.

At one end of the spectrum we have scientific explanations based upon the principles of heat conductivity and thermal insulation. Many of these reports focus on both the poor conductivity of wooden coals in terms of heat transfer to the skin (that is why iron saucepans favour wooden handles) and the short contact time between the sole of the foot and the hot coals themselves (in the same way we can juggle a very hot baked potato between the hands).

Some scientists even suggest the 'Leidenfrost Effect' may play a part. This occurs when a cold wet object (the foot) contacts a hot dry object (the coals); the resulting water vapours form a barrier of steam and since steam is a relatively poor conductor of heat, the foot remains unharmed.

On the other hand, the fact that there is no definitive 'physical' explanation for why firewalking is possible leaves room for a more 'non-scientific' understanding. This 'esoteric' or 'spiritual' explanation is based upon the concepts of 'heightened body energy' and an enhanced state of consciousness.


The oldest recorded fire walk took place in India over 3000 years ago

and evidence of fire walking has been found on every continent except Antarctica.

From the shamanic Hawaiian Kahunas walking over red hot lava

to the healing ceremonies of the !Kung Bushmen of the African Kalahari desert, the act of fire walking still forms a key religious and spiritual practice of indigenous people the world over.

Re: Firewalking
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Do me a favour and do NOT try this at home. :)

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