Teen wiccans

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Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 32
Gosh I feel the same way I really DON'T fit in with
Most kids either I'm only twelve and I'm an every day witch
But I just hate it when people say we are bad people
Because of what they see on tv. This is why I don't tell people. What
I am I told my brother I was a witch he thought I was joking since he is in high
School and he said well that explains why you got too different eyes and he turned it into a joke

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 33
I am a 14 year old Wiccan. I take into account that, Yes some teens ARE only doing it for spells, or have a false conception about what it is in general. However, Many of us DO know what we are talking about, what it is we are doing and what Wicca really is. Some of my friends who I have told, Thought that Wicca/Witchcraft was wishing for something and it happens. But when I explained what it was, They were overcome by all of it. They actually decided to become Wiccan. So if you happen to meet anyone who thinks of Wicca/Witchcraft in that sense, Its best just to explain, Rather than rant on at them. If they do ask for those kind of spells, It is obvious that Wicca is not right for them. The main reason I became wiccan was actually because I adore nature. Then I found out about the God and Goddess, and Magick. I was even more overcome and I was fascinated by it. Ever since I was little, I have always believed that there was some sort of power out there. And Yes, I do feel quite offended. Many people just say 'Oh its evil' or 'Read the bible! You are going to go to hell' However, They do not even try to see it from our point of view, nor do they bother to actually research what it is we actually do.

Rant over ;P

Blessed be )0(

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 34
Not so much offended it's kind of what most of them think it is they learn and get disappointed all on their own.

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 35
I know for me, I'm really young, and new to this, but I started looking into Wicca as an outlet, and a place to belong. I have been trying to learn as much as possible, and then I will decide wether Wicca is right for me. I have always wondered how to know, but I feel most comfortable here, and with Wicca

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 36
I am a bit offended, but I see were it comes from. Its the whole...sacredness of Wicca that (some) teens don't get.

Do I believe most are "Misguided goths"?
Yes. I'm most likey wrong, but I cant get over it.
Do I believe their are some (Gosh I can not phrase this any crummier)True believers?

Overall, im a bit miffed, but instead of hate, when i have more experienced myself, I will teach them and find those gems that TRULY understand what it means.

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 37
I agree. I may have started about two months ago, but it is annoying in many ways.

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 38
I'm about 18 and have been Wiccan for a few months. I've been studying Wicca since I "converted" (I've no better term for it since I was agnostic for seven years before I became Wiccan and was raised in a Christian family). I've also learned a little about Wicca at an early age (around 7 and 8 because my mother was Wiccan at the time) and I hate to admit I was only interested in the magick and spells when I was younger. Now I understand that Wicca is a way of life and philosophy and beliefs that I hold close to me, especially since I believed in a lot of the beliefs I have before I was Wiccan and later found out that they were also Wiccan beliefs. I know not to do spells to make people into something they're not or to make them do somethkng they wouldn't normally do; I've known this all my life and it's never sat right with me to hear people do this anyways. I hear that some people want to do negative magick, even those who are wanting to study Wicca and even though I've little to no experience in magick, I still advise against it. I hate it when people ask for those kinds of spells but I hate it even more when people assume that that's what Wicca is about and that that's what Wiccans do. Also, I don't like how some people are going to view me as a stereotypical Witch because I like edgier styles of dress. I've liked edgy stuff longer than I've been Wiccan and I do not mean to stereotype.

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 39
Agreed. When I tell people I am Wiccan and they ask me why I don't look goth or call me a satanist it just make me mad. Before you stereotype a religion, learn the facts first.

Re: Teen wiccans
Post # 40
I am 14 and I am very serious about being a wiccan as all the female in my family on both parents sides through all generations have been wiccas so I want to carry it on but I need some help for I dont really know where to start

Re: Teen wiccans
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 41

Well to start with, your ancestors through all the generations may have been Witches but they were'nt Wicca. Wicca didn't actually exist as a religion until the 1940's when Gerald Gardner created it.

But a good place to start would be with some of the pinned threads in the Wicca Forum, especially the "What Wicca Is and Isn't" thread and the "Main Wicca Posts" thread.

A couple of great books to start with as well are

"Wicca" by Thea Sabin

"Wicca: A Year and a Day" by Timothy Roderick

Also, if you want to ask questions it is better to start your own thread rather than hijack an ancient thread like this.

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