
CovenNatural Magick ► Shamanism
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By: / Novice
Post # 1
Shamanism is classified by anthropologists as an archaic magico-religious phenomenon in which the shaman is the great master of ecstasy. Shamanism itself, was defined by the late Mircea Eliade as a technique of ecstasy. A shaman may exhibit a particular magical specialty (such as control over fire, wind or magical flight). When a specialization is present the most common is as a healer. The distinguishing characteristic of shamanism is its focus on an ecstatic trance state in which the soul of the shaman is believed to leave the body and ascend to the sky (heavens) or descend into the earth (underworld). The shaman makes use of spirit helpers, with whom he or she communicates, all the while retaining control over his or her own consciousness. (Examples of possession occur, but are the exception, rather than the rule.) It is also important to note that while most shamans in traditional societies are men, either women or men may and have become shamans. There are a number of relatively common practices and experiences in traditional shamanism which are being investigated by modern researchers. While the older traditional practices are ignored by some researchers, others have begun to explore these older techniques. The emergence of the new field of the "anthropology of consciousness" and the establishment of Transpersonal Psychology as a "Fourth Force" in psychology have opened up the investigation of research into the nature and history of consciousness in ways not previously possible. Outside of academic circles a growing number of people have begun to make serious inquiries into ancient shamanic techniques for entering into altered states of consciousness. Traditional shamans developed techniques for lucid dreaming and what is today called the out-of-the-body experience (oobe). These methods for exploring the inner landscape are being investigated by a wide range of people. Some are academics, some come from traditional societies and others are modern practitioners of non-traditional shamanism or neo-shamanism. Along with these techniques, the NDE or near-death-experience have played a significant role in shamanic practice and initiation for millenia. There is extensive document- ation of this in ethnographic studies of traditional shamanism. With this renewed interest in these older traditions these shamanic methods of working with dreams and being conscious and awake while dreaming are receiving increased attention. The ability to consciously move beyond the physical body is the particular specialty of the traditional shaman. These journeys of Soul may take the shaman into the nether realms, higher levels of existence or to parallel physical worlds or other regions of this world. Shamanic Flight, is in most instances, an experience not of an inner imaginary landscape, but is reported to be the shamans flight beyond the limitations of the physical body. As noted in this article, the Call to shamanize is often directly related to a near death experience by the prospective shaman. Among the traditional examples are being struck by lightning, a fall from a height, a serious life-threatening illness or lucid dream experiences in which the candidate dies or has some organs consumed and replaced and is thus reborn. Survival of these initial inner and outer brushes with death provides the shaman with personal experiences which strengthen his or her ability to work effectively with others. Having experienced something, a shaman is more likely to understand what must be done to correct a condition or situation. Post-Shamanic: While shamanism may be readily identified among many hunting and gathering peoples and in some traditional herding societies, identifying specific groups of individuals who might be called shamans is a difficult task in more stratified agricultural and manufacturing based societies. A society may be said to be Post- Shamanic when there are the presence of shamanic motifs in its traditional folklore or spiritual practices indicate a clear pattern of traditions of ascent into the heavens, descent into the nether- worlds, movement between this world and a parallel Otherworld, are present in its history. Such a society or tradition may have become very specialized and recombined aspects of mysticism, prophecy and shamanism into more specialized or more "fully developed" practices and may have assigned those to highly specialized functionaries. When such practices and functionaries are present or have teplaced the traditional shamans found in historical or traditional shamanism the use of Post-shamanic is appropriate. More specifically, a society may be said to be Post-Shamanic when at least 6 of the following 8 conditions have been met:Shamanic ecstasy is still present, but light trance techniques are also used to access the Otherworld.Agriculture and some forms of manufacturing/crafts have replaced hunting and gathering as the primary basis for the economic life of the community.The society has developed a highly stratified social structure and very specialized occupations.Religion and spiritual methodology has become more fully developed and can no longer be properly referred to as "archaic." This is expecially important for rituals, ceremonies and ecstatic techniques which had traditionally been the domain of the shamans.Mystical ecstasy and unitive visions have become at least as important esoteric experiences and doctrines as shamanic ecstasy, ascension and descent in the religious and spiritual life of the community.The shaman is no longer the primary escort for the souls of the dead into their place in the next world (psychopomp). This role generally either passes onto the priestcraft or clergy to perform through ritual, is an object of individual or group prayer, or is beleived to be done by gods of guardian spirits, angels or demons.A professional clergy is present which regulates the religious life of the community.Other forms of healing, divining and counseling are present have replaced shamans as the primary source of such services. Post-shamanic motifs are found among many Indo-Eruopean, Asian, African and some native peoples of North America. The use of Post-Shamanic as a term makes examination of these parallel traditons and possible survivals of earlier shamanic traditions easier

Re: Shamanism
By: / Novice
Post # 2
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Re: Shamanism
Post # 3
Totem animals This has been a subject I have not done in a while. I mean I think the last time I taught this was about two years ago. But anyways. Somethings you may need to learn before you go forth into the meditation.

In shamanic practices I have learned that it is easier to contact your power animal before ancient ones. The totem animals are extremely louder to beginners in shaman outlook. At least it is to me. For others it is a different story. As they are easier to hear they are easier to see. They can come to you as well as speak to you when you wish them to. Or they may come to you on their own. Some people refer them as animal Helpers.

Like ancient ones they are guides. They tell you what you need to know. They give you their immense energy. No shaman would ever go into sacred space without their animal helper. Any questions on this please message me and I will be happy to help you out. They can help you define your dreams as it has happen for me a few times to understand what my dreams meanings are. I find them to be one of the best interpreting ever.

On to meditation. I mediate daily and often meditate with my totem animals usually we meditate together with out speaking unless things bring to need to be speak of.

Step 1.
Close your eyes. Start on your breath. Deeply breath in letting your abdomen rise and fall. I suggest doing this twenty times. Allow yourself to become really relax.

Step 2
Create your sacred place. If you have not done this. I shall explain what a sacred place is. For my students in the past it is used to go to mediate in to relax or to help with depression. I even suggested this to some people with emotional issues. This place is a Nature area it is create by you and only you can enter it. I often imagine my sacred area to be a Waterfall among the woodland area in a Tundra area. Once you have your place. You need to make a connection to your place as you are the place and the place is you.

Step 3
Now once you have done step one and step two. Imagine a path. As you imagine the path way imagine the natural ideals of the place the wind the smell of the air. As you do this go forth and walk down the pathway. It will begin to go down hill slowly. The ground will become hard and small stones in the soul will become more secure as you walk upon the pathway. As you walk down the pathway you will cross a wooden Bridge underneath is a rushing river.

Step 4
As you begin walking on to the bridge you may hear echos. Often my students claim to have heard a steady drum beat. You are getting closer to what you are wishing to reach. Some times my students need to drop something into the river sometimes in respect or they just need to let something go.

Step 5
So you pass the bridge you shall see the path going slightly upward to a large meadow or field. When I first did this It was a wheat field. In the middle of the field is a circle space of short grassland walk towards it and once you reach to the circle of grass area. Place yourself sitting their. Then slowly Whisper For your totem animal to come to you.

Step 6
It may not appear. This sometimes happens if not just relax and enjoy yourself being their. And as such. I believe should try again. But for everyone else. I have had my students come to them from no where as others appear from a distance walking towards them. As it comes to you watch how it walks. Listen if they speak. Observe them carefully.

This is the beginning of many things to become. For more instructions or ideals send me a message.

~Cosmic Blessing~

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