Indebt At Magic - toTeach

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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 11
How was I negative? I didn't barge in and start capslocking about how he's an idiot with no credentials, I just asked what they were because I was, you know, curious about what he had written. You're essentially arguing against negativity you made up.
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 12
How does one create negativity? Looks to me like anger is the most negative driving force. I have simply stuck up for those who appear unable to defend themselves.
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 13
You're missing my point - he needs no defending because there is no attack.

I seriously just wanted to know about his material, and since he posted a link to it I imagine he wants people to know about it.
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Learn to figureOut magic
Post # 14
The more intelligent are more intelligent then the populus. If you use your brain and do math and science in your head given the known varible of how the universe worklks what you know of magic and the rest you can figure out how magic works.

it is just from one who used his brain to figure out stuff and find all the secrets of life.

Imagine 100 sheet of paper in your mind, now fill them with math euqations and mathimatical drawings. That is how fast or faster you can do math in your head. Given the facts you already know about magic is their any type of math calculations that you could do to figure some more of the unknow stuff of magic you don't know yet?

there is math and i figure stuff out, doing 1000's and millions of pages of math in my brain, not only math can you do in your breain but science and i do it all, all of my stuff is ligeit and figured out by math and science and provable by them, but it is just easier to write a million pages in your head in a moment then take the years proving writeing the papers in real life.
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 15
There is no type of science you can't do in your head and no math you can't do it you head, with all that math and science you can figure out anything, starting with what you know already, you can use that knowledge with math and science to figure out more till you solve it all
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 16
Cited or not, I'd still like to see the complex math it would take to prove all of your...erm..."beliefs". You have shown no such scientific proof on your site, just information.
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 17
I'm going to make my point clear. I believe you lying and area fluff. Call me rude, immature, unprofessional, I don't care. I need you to understand that people won't fall for lies.
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 18
I think skepticism in this case is useful, as the very phrase "indebt at magic" and name "zimzimzhalla" both bring to mind doubt.

Zim zim zhalla is the phrase a genie in Arabian Nights used to grant wishes- Arabian Nights being a work of fiction, and "indebt at magic" not being a phrase that makes a great deal of sense.

A fictional phrase used to grant wishes and poorly constructed sentences used to highlight teaching ability leaves one somewhat in doubt as to the ability of an individual claiming to be able to provide "1000s and millions of pages of math in (his) brain."

I should also note that all of the stuff that he came up with on own on his website is at least borrowed from other sources, and in no way shape or form invented solely by this one individual.

To sum it up, the disjointed spelling and sentence structure does not match the construction of the site. The site borrows heavily from other sources while this particular individual claims that all of the knowledge provided can only be found on this particular site and is, in fact, original.

All of this leads to healthy skepticism and doubt in one who claims to teach. But the ignorant will still follow charlatans selling snake oil. So it goes.
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 19
LOL well said Awake too long well said
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Re: Indebt At Magic - toTeach
Post # 20
Well my site is dayly have more stuff added to it, a new BUTTOPN on the bottom to another page on other stuff, secrets about life and whats going on you don't know.
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