Lucid Dreaming

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Lucid Dreaming
Post # 1
Although not directly related to magick, lucid dreaming can open up many possibilities to the average practitioner of occult/wiccan crafts. If you didn't already know, lucid dreaming is the act of being lucid within your dreams, and being able to control your actions and your thoughts within them. In this, you are completely conscious of the dreamscape, and can strongly affect your surroundings. It can even become so real that it can feel very similar to reality, but obviously that's later on with much practice and dedication.

If you aren't already well acquainted with lucid dreaming, and want to practice it, here are a few things you should do as a beginner.

- Keep a dream journal, this resides usually under your pillow, or anywhere within arm-length of where you sleep. In this journal, everyday after you wake up you will write down as much details you can remember about your dreams. Don't be afraid to fill a page or two up with colors, people, emotions. Remembering your dreams is the first step to becoming lucid.

- Ask yourself as much as you can throughout the day "Am I dreaming?" If you get in the habit of this, instinctively in the dream you will ask yourself the question, and you might trigger lucidity.

- Keep an object on your person constantly if you don't already. A couple examples are: watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets. During the dream the object will usually be different in some way, or might not even be there entirely.

Why lucid dreaming can be useful to magick:
In my experience, meditation during lucid dreams can lead to some intense spiritual experiences that open the mind and can help connect you with spirit guides, as well as other non-physical beings that can help guide you spiritually and emotionally.

You can also practice magick in a way thats not possible in the 'real' world; Imagine being able to enchant an object in the dream, but this time you're not visualizing it glowing and pulsating with energy in your hand, it actually is! The same can be applied to basic energy manipulation techniques, except the energy will be seen by your eyes in the dream! Just imagine the confidence and strength that can give you in your abilities in the real world.

You can practice more frequently! All those hours wasted sleeping are now hours of opportunity to practice your craft, and what inspires you. This can also be a great time for relieving stress because you can fly, walk through walls, and do whatever you want, your mind is the playground.

Lucid dreaming can also be a cure to nightmares; a fearful dream of being chased by monsters can become easily controlled by flying away from the situation, literally. Your worst nightmare can turn into a relaxing meditation session at a private beach with your own creativity as the surroundings.

Sources: Me

I might also post more on the topic later in this thread.

Re: Lucid Dreaming
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
what is it called when you dream of the future?

Re: Lucid Dreaming
Post # 3
This is a follow-up post on how to maintain lucidity while in the dream:

During the dream realm, it is easy to become excited. This can wake up the dreamer, and end the dream in a quick manner. The ultimate goal of the lucid dreamer;
Become as lucid as possible, remember as much as the details as possible, and obviously, to be in there for as long as you can. Your own goals and desires are personally attuned to what you want as well.

You do not want to waste these precious moments. Last night I had one of the most vivid lucid dreams yet, the adventure I had whilst lying still on my bed was long and amazing. And it all happened while I was paralyzed - oh the irony!

Once you get really into it, you learn to appreciate the ability to control your actions, your thoughts, so you can better communicate with other entities/projections of your subconscious.
Things to do:
1. Verbalizing what you want does wonders. When you feel yourself slipping back to the waking world shout something along the lines of;
"Lucidity, NOW!"
"Concentration, NOW!" (you get the idea, whatever works best)
I personally think this is one of the best methods. It easily allowed me to dream for another ten minutes or so after feeling I was about to wake up.

2. Spin around! Not only will this change your environment in the dream, it feels as if you just poured cool water over your exhausted dream body - it refreshes it in a strange way.

Spin in place several times, two to three 360 spins should suffice.

3. Learn to calm yourself. This isn't as much as a method, more of a accumulated skill. I find that if I am doing something rather adventurous like flying, or fighting something - you should change your surroundings so you can sit down and meditate, maybe even talk to someone. This will give you a chance to recuperate some control. The usual reasons that I wake up from the dream realm is when I am flying or running quickly, I lose concentration on lucidity and find myself lying still on my bed . . . usually followed by a disappointed sigh, or curse. (haha)

4. Learn to expect the unexpected as well. The dream can be filled with some strange things, and suprising turns. Learn to be calm in the face of them, and you won't be as surprised; thus you won't wake up unexpectedly.

Re: Lucid Dreaming
Post # 4
Here is another suggestion:

Meditating while lucid dreaming can bring some intense spiritual experiences. If you concentrate as you do when meditating in waking life - I can't really explain it.
You simply will feel an intense connection to everything, something strange happens within the dream world that brings this overwhelming sensation.

I recommend doing this the first chance you get, instead of randomly exploring (as fun and insightful as that can be) meditating in the dream can bring you a sense of connection and calm that will last for several hours after the dreamer's nap, or night of rest.

Re: Lucid Dreaming
Post # 5
Precognition.. I thought it was premonition. Thanks for the information!

Is it called a premonition if you see the future whilst awake?

Re: Lucid Dreaming
Post # 6
Precognition is defined as foreknowledge of an event, especially those of the paranormal kind. And premonition is a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. I believe these can occur both in the dream world as well as reality.

Re: Lucid Dreaming
Post # 7
Thanks for that! Seems I can have both then! Should document some of the things that happen.

Re: Lucid Dreaming
Post # 8
Another suggestion for remembering your dreams for those who have issues:
Mind you, this is for people who sleep at least 6-8 hours a night; set your alarm clock, a watch, maybe even a app on a phone - to wake you up 2-3 hours before you normally wake up.

This is actually not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it was refreshing to wake up, and realize I had a couple more hours before the busy day started. Not to mention what it does, and why it is so important:

It helps us remember our dreams! This is because most of the dreams we remember are interrupted. Have you ever been in the situation where someone wakes you up during an afternoon nap? You probably remember saying afterwards along the lines of, "I was having the weirdest dream. . ." I did this personally last night, (or early in the morning rather) and the second I heard my music gently whispering me to conscioussness, I remembered a very extensive dream.

I suggest this method, definitely try it! The more sleep you can get in between the alarm, the better. And like always, remember to keep your journal with you!

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