Spells on this site...

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Re: Spells on this site...
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
eponaswolf33: So far, the things I am practicing is meditation and the ones I'm learning about are my moon phases, crystals, herbs, and the meanings of colors. I have copied and pasted spells on here from my word document but not yet use them; when I start to, I want to begin by controlling my elements and and learning how to consecrate stones. I really want to start slow and small and eventually work with a spell that will help me and others out in the long run. Right now, all I'm doing is reading, but unfortunately I have no teacher... At the moment I have joined a group on yahoo from the coven that I am because I heard that they give classes on certain days. I only signed up a couple of days ago, so I'm waiting on the approval to be accepted.

Cookie_Mnstr: I don't think she means it that way that you said it about all spells are originated from those areas. From my understandings, what she feels more powerful when it comes to spells is those that have originated from those places, and spells from the Gaelic form is one of the old ways she is more comfortable with compared to the new age crap that people nowadays put on this site. The ages of people that post spells on here are normally the ages of 15-20, so I understand the frustration.

The best I can really do now I know is to write my own spells. However, I do need to learn how to cast spells first. I'm not quite there yet.
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Re: Spells on this site...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
I find this thread quite amazing! Have these people no idea of what a spell is? Most people have cast spells without even knowing it. Ever blown out the candles on a cake and made a wish? You have cast a spell. Ever pulled a wishbone? That's another spell.
How about throwing salt over your shoulder for good luck? Another spell. A Catholic will light a candle, and then make a wish; or prayer. He/she has cast a spell, they just don't know it.
A spell is a ritual wish, very like a prayer. The difference being that a prayer is asking for help from a higher power, Deity. A spell is a do-it-yourself operation. And that takes a lot of learning, a lot of knowledge, and a lot of energy.
So beware of television spells! They are usually nonsense.
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Re: Spells on this site...
Post # 13

Thank you Brysing, intelligence prevails again. ;-)

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