Personal Circle Creation

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Personal Circle Creation
Post # 1

Well I just wanted to tell everyone the way I make circles. It's somewhat simple but yet it gives off personal energy, strength, and purpose. Well firstly, i use chalk and with the chalk i charge it with energy from myself and Earth. I then draw a circle (leaving a small opening) while visualizing the energy in the chalk leaving a glowing outline of energy in it's wake. Once done, draw another circle around the first circle and with the same small opening aligned. In between that space, draw runes or words (i perfer runes and sigils) that you wish to add for the help of your spell or ritual. It helps if you choose runes that are specific to help the spell and ritual. Once done, call upon the runes power by saying their name and visualizing them glowing and releasing their energy and power into your circle. After that, enter the circle and finish drawing the circles, which indicate it closing. Once inside, place your elemental candles and their representations in their corresponding directions and around each element, draw four runes in a compass sort of way and call on their energies for the elements and light the candle and lite/energize their representations. Then call the Goddess (if you would like, you may use a white candle to represent her and well as adding four runes) and you are ready to begin your spell or ritual. It is my own way of doing my circles. I'll try taking a picture and uploading it to my account. I would appreciate questions and feedbacks.

Sites to look for runes:


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