Black magic.......or not?

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Re: Black magic.......or
Post # 11
There are a ton of satanic versions of the LBRP. just thought I'd point it out.
Before me Lucifer
Behind me Belzebub
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Re: Black magic.......or not?
Post # 12
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Re: Black magic.......or not?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
The reason why you are finding opposition in inquiring about "black magick" is because you are looking for the wrong term.

You need to look up what you consider "dark". The crone for instance is a darker aspect of life. Some consider using the power of night, shadow (the absence of light), death, or destruction "dark" when others view it as nothing more than another aspect of nature. Every element has it's darker side. Earth is life giving yet can also be associated with death too. Fire can be passionate and enlightening or aggressive. etc etc...
Of all four seasons, winter is the darkest, not only literally (due to shorter days) but due to the death and slumber that life (plants, insects, and animals) go through during this time. It isn't "bad" and much beauty can be found in it. But to most of history, it is considered a darker time.

In my belief, there is a light and shadow side to everything in nature, and I embrace and work with both. When I cast my circle, I cast it with both energies, as the whole of nature, because I believe that balance is stronger than remaining one sided.

Many people fear the crone aspect of life, therefore they shun it in their practice. I love the crone as much as I love the maiden. I accept the shadow as much as the light in both myself and nature.

Many people are attracted to the darker side of nature yet fear it more. But can be used for both good and bad. Most who do feel comforted by the shadow side are closest to the element of earth or water. This is just from my observation, there are always exceptions.

If you wish to learn about using the shadowed side of nature, then you merely have to investigate the gods and goddesses, nature spirits, the elements, and nature itself. There isn't a book or website out there (that I know of) that specifically defines what you seek. But there are many that explain all aspects and then it is up to you to incorporate them into your spellwork once you fully understand the subject itself.

Hecate, Kali, Hel, and Morrigan stand out in my mind when thinking of the Crone. That should be a good start for you.

Good luck!
I do hope you choose to use both sides. Balance is a wonderful thing.
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Re: Black magic.......or not?
Post # 14

These are all excelent information,but i will just go with the black salt method.

Instead of using a white candle,i could put the candle on top of a skull or try to make it look more sinister.

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