Just my theory

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Just my theory
Post # 1
I've noticed lately that the popular trend seems to be the thinking that
Light and dark energies are all one and the same. To me it seems people
want to just mush it all together so they can grasp things better, or
live out what they seem to think is their own little world. However when
it boils down to it both energies are different but yet meet perfectly
in the middle to create a "twilight" for the lack of a better term. Which
is the middle and strongly suggest that duality is more than just a perception.
Now for some it goes back to the dark dynasty but i believe it goes back further
than just the Egyptians. It's more primal than that and it all started in the twilight
phase and branched out into it's own area which divided it up in order to keep balance.
Mind you this is all theory and based off my exploration of different things.
`By that i mean that speaking in scientific terms they grew to have their own denisty,
mass weight, and etc.Of course let's not leave out the positive and negative charges in both, because
all energy has those and it's common sense. Now magickally speaking they both have solidary but dark is heavier
than light. When you start working with both you learn the which is the most dense.
Where as light is almost a fuzzy feeling and dark is like a ton of bricks that gets thrown
at you if you're not used to it, or in my experience of. So for people to claim it's the
same makes me really wonder just how much they have worked with either to understand the
difference, and possibly don't understand the balance that's needed to maintain a healthy flow.
My thoughts are if it was all the same there would be no need for duality and it would be more
of a bland way to run things and would cause too much of a tilt in the scales.
Which brings me back to it being started in the "twilight". No this is not a definite
area but I think it's where the string that connects everything starts and ends back up at
when traced back. I don't define it as a cycle but more of a vicious circle. Even though
there's a ton of different links to it, still ends up right back where ya started. In the middle.

Re: Just my theory
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I think you hit on the head..people want to wrap it up in a pretty package and make it easier to understand instead of branching out and thinking about it.

Instead of seeing the energies running along side each other, working together to compliment each other, they want to smash it into one thing and see no difference.

Having worked with both light and dark energies, I can agree with you that there is a very large and noticeable difference to the point that you can't reasonably say it's the same thing and we're just making it up to separate one thing.

Re: Just my theory
Post # 3
indeed. but you can thank mr. Pure who swears he wrote the matrix. he was mushing it today and it caused this theory to kick in. LOL But yeah it's all theory and seems to work. Sorry it was a jo was pissed off rant

Re: Just my theory
Post # 4

Pure is just..No comment lol.

Thank you for this Jo :). I can't honestly say I've worked with dark energies to be honest or anything that seems relatively heavy. Hopefully this gives some insight to those that claimed there are the same. If they were, like you mentioned : Which exactly would we be working with? lol.

Re: Just my theory
Post # 5
my point exactly. :P

Re: Just my theory
Post # 6
Pure is an overachiever, one who seems to think that having all the answers when the questions are asked is his route to stardom. Those who are old enough to remember the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"; Pure is Carlton. Likes to be well versed in text-book knowledge, but finds out he is clue-less in real life applications. Though even some of his "textbook knowledge" needs a lot of work... meaning anything on Dragon Magick you can be sure he is telling you completely wrong. As well as many other areas. His best bet is to take a year and a day, to not answer any questions, or teach. Just simply study, research and physically practice.

So all in all, yes he irritates many.. don't let it be you. Just smile and walk away. A true fool will talk entirely too much, and people will find out about him on their own. ;)

Re: Just my theory
Post # 7
fair enough and yes he does remind me of carlton. I wonder if he has one of those pink tennis sweaters too? LOOOL he knows some but not all and fails to see this. However it's not just him that tries to slump it all together with out seeing the middle. Meh i think to much :P

Re: Just my theory
Post # 8

He knows he isn't that knowledgeable, but he's trying to get away with bullshitting it, and adding some crazy stuff in there while he's at it.

A little white lie, can eventually turn you into a fatheaded joke.

Re: Just my theory
Post # 9

Re: Just my theory
Post # 10
See even Alias has dealt with him too long. :p

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