Astral Projection...

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Astral Projection...
Post # 1
Can someone tell me how to astral project out of your body and all the info you can give me about astral projection...(what is it, how do you do it, if it backfires, advantages, etc.)
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 2
1. Lay down flat and completely relax your body
2. Wait until your mind is blank as slate
3. Ease your awareness to the feeling of the air touching your face (hold your awareness there for as long as you can)
4. Cultivate a feeling of being completely selfless and humble (sometimes it doesn't work until you give up or let go... this way must be completely effortless)
5. Wait... and keep relaxed even if you feel an earthquake, that's normal.

If you've managed to balance all of these, you might drop out of consciousness for a bit, and then vision comes to you even if your physical eyes are shut, and you realize you're in your room but out of body.

This way allows you to walk in the hidden levels of reality: the astral planes. People say a lot of magic is believing, but when you astral project you become very sure of your spirit's existence, not because you believe but because you experience. You can believe in gods, but when you AP you can meet them. You can believe in magic, of your own energy, but here you can experience it and train it better.

Sometimes your third eye will already be open, but it hasn't been "working" because you haven't changed the level of your spirit. After astral projection, you can see astral beings better.
You can even become a little more psychic after astral projection... have random moments of very clear telepathy with people, know an event before it happens, etc. has a couple very good detailed e-books about this. Hope this helps.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 3
How can i return to the physical world after projecting?
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 4
It's easy-- you might get pulled back into your body even if you don't want to go back yet :-) Just thinking about your physical body can do it, but if you have difficulty you can also lie back down in your body (your astral self can walk through solid things) and try to remember what "physical" feels like... try to move your hand or your eyelids or something.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 5
in step 2 u sed to ease the awareness around u. how do i do that?
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 6
i meant in step 3. lol. but how do i ease the feeling of air on my face?
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 7
***You must learn to become conscious during the dream.

***Try to take control of the dream and go where you wish.

Here are some pointers...

***Watch what you think. Everything you think can manifest on the astral planes. So you don't want to be thinking about anything evil or you will attract it!
***Anytime you think you are scared and or lost, just think of your body and you will be back in it in a flash.

***Ever notice that when you are falling in a dream and you hit the bottom you always wake up quickly! That is your astral body snapping back into place.

***The use of drugs can lower your vibrations meaning you will not be able to travel to higher astral planes where the vibrations are higher.

***The reason you will want to travel higher on the astral planes is because you may have to escape an attack by a lower vibrating entity. They can not travel to the higher planes.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 8
Stevie: just notice the space in front of your face. Do not visualize this space, do not visualize anything, just relax and passively feel the lack of anything but air touching your face.

Once you are out, you can remember what you wanted to do and then do it... but to get out in the first place I find that you must be in an utterly "defeated" state-- completely selfless and humble.

The kind of astral projection I do separates your etheric body-- the low astral, or this world, so the experience is more realistic than the lucid dreaming bridge technique (that Seasrune posted,) and I don't get the same buzz afterwards with lucid dreaming-- etheric projection is a pretty uphill-running psychic workout.
But it can be boring because all you can do in the low astral is spy on your neighbors and meet with morose ghosts and shadows... the dragons, gods, and other exciting entities usually stay on the higher astral.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 9
How do you travel to higher planes
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 10
But I haven't cast any spells in my life and I want to astal project first do you guarantee a beginner like me can astral project???
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