Writing: Food Blessing

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Writing: Food Blessing
Post # 1
This is a How-To Written by Madam Raven Darkstar


Place the names of you god and goddes in the chant. Then began to ask their bless upon your meal or cakes. Then you should end it with "So Mote It Be"

Re: Writing: Food Blessing
Post # 2
Need: Book of shadows/piece of paper
a Pen

1.) Make sure you know what the blessing is for
2.) You can choose to write a chant or just a few nice words
3.) You can make it out to the God and Goddess, or you can make it to the God and Goddess and to those who've harvested the ingredients so you could assemble the cookies/cakes/bread etc...

Ex: "Mother and Father of creation, bless these cakes for our consumption, may they bring us closer to you. So Mote it Be."

As you can see above, it doesn't have to be lengthy or overly wordy, short sweet and to the point.

You can also do the same for wine/grape juice etc... if you are in ritual and doing a cakes and wine ceremony at the end.

What many people forget is that what Christians call "Saying Grace", is actually a good thing. You give thanks to deity for being there in spirit with everything, and you thank those who harvested the products for you to eat. So the next time you have to say grace, be happy about it and take it into yourself warmly. Remember, back in the day food was a blessing.

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