Tension Release Breathing

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Tension Release Breathing
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Tension Release Breathing

1. Do not let yourself think about any worries or anxiety provoking issues while doing this exercise. If the thoughts creep in, stop them by re-focusing on the breathing and counting.
2. Begin breathing deeply, filling your abdomen first, then your chest.
3. Sit quietly, scan your body for tension, and consciously tell any tense muscles to relax (tension often accumulates in shoulders, neck and back).
4. Inhale deeply through your nose, pause, then exhale, count one.
5. Repeat, counting your exhalations to five.
6. Begin again, counting exhalations one to five.
7. Continue this exercise 5-10 minutes.

You should be relaxed and the anxiety or tension greatly diminished.

(I retrieved this helpful exercise in the Cave of the World Witch)

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