Astral Projection...

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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 31
I use to astral project all the time when I was younger. It always happened either before I woke up, or just right after when I closed me eyes. I could still feel myself physically attached to my body and could get out anytime. It was confusing cause when I opened my eyes no one was there, they were sleeping, when I closed them they were walking around, it as weird but in a good way, it bugged me after a while but then I understood.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 32
Lower vibrations keep the spirit closer to the body, astral travel is just another plane that moves in folding measures.
Higher the vibration "white and yellows" give you free'r travel but allow the spirit to roam farther away without folding the the astral.
as for walk-ins, look at the beings in some of the homeless that are insane and talking to themselves,they don't really steal a body, they just get in it with you especially if you not familier with tools.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 33
ok i think i know how to ap but what if your third eye is`nt open
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 34
try mediatating it will open
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 35
I'm just wondering what are vibrations.....and what if imagining ur body doesn't work is there like another method to go back to ur body...???..
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 36
Lol this is a while later, but I was wondering how vibrations work. What are they? I have yet to Astral Project, but I'm working constantly at it. So, when I do get it, I want to know about vibrations so that I don't just go all over =P

-Erica K
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Re: Astral Projection...
By: / Novice
Post # 37
As I understand it, vibrations describe a common feeling of shaking or trembling as you go out of body. Simple, right?

But then some say that the shaking has to do with the change in levels of reality, or the kind of energy that you have -- because sound or light energy has vibrations that give a note (for sound) or color (from light), so psychic energy must vibrate to give us a sense of spiritual reality... Psychics describe what they feel as "vibrations" or "I'm getting bad/good vibes " and advise new projectors to "raise" their vibrations... and some complicated things like that.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 38
if u in astral form wot if a spirit goes into ur body can u get back in also wen u astral project can u stay on this plane xDD
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Re: Astral Projection...
By: / Novice
Post # 39
I remember one astral projection where I was able to see the point-of-view of my physical and astral body at the same time. It was weird, but I took it to mean that when you go out of body you never actually leave your body empty.

So, I personally don't think that any other spirit can "enter" your body while you're out. Besides, most possession stories center around troubled youths who are taken over when they never left their own body-- not astral projectors.

Maybe like Gurby said in the last page, possession takes a specific harmony of vibration... but I don't think that going out-of-body will make a higher risk of that.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 40
Hey I think I had an Astral projection yesterday but I don't know how I did it. It happened when I was meditating. Can someone tell me what I should lookout for or if I really did AP?
I put what happend on another thread in general called what does it mean
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