Astral Projection...

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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 11
Because I just want to really astral project and go quickly to my home in Puerto Rico just to see how my family is doing...can you see an astral even if you are not in astral self?...and can you go to space and fast can you go in astral self?
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 12
You travel to higher planes if you keep you vibrations at a high frequency
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 13
Trav: yeah, what Searune said ^_^ You can go directly to it from dreams, if you can get past the psychological "brain vomit" that's just your memories of the day replaying... but sometimes in the etheric I phase into a higher dimension by accident, so I'm not the best person to say how.

ste1493: Don't be discouraged if you can't get it right away, I had to practice for 3 years before any success and it only happened when I gave up. Etheric projection can be very difficult, whether you're a beginner or have been casting spells for years before that.

Yes you can see astral entities even if you're in-body: I think after etheric projection, your "foundation" frequency changes. Most other people can't see you when you're out of body, though.

Yes, you can fly in the astral-- actually, flying might even be easier than walking! Without a body, its like your astral legs don't remember how they work...

And yes, you can go from one place to another instantly in the astral... whether another country, or another planet. :-)
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 14
Thank you I tried last night but it didn't work but I'll keep trying....thanks for the help and info....
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 15
Controlling your dreams isn't that difficult, I've done it several times. I thought there was a difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 16 lists the main differences between an out-of-body experience (etheric astral projection) and lucid dreaming (astral, um, astral projection ;-0)

The long letter afterwards has a pretty good rebuttal, and at the end of it, dreaming and an OBE is only different in brain activity: out-of-body experiences don't take place in REM sleep.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 17
I need help meditating. Everytime I try I always drift bacc to thinking. I always have incenses burning and have music playing like it tells me but it seems I can never get off of thinking long enuff
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 18
Not everyone has the same way of meditating that works for them. I can't stand incense and noise... so maybe try without them, see which is easier, or maybe void meditation just isn't you so try focusing on something instead (I've had pretty good results meditating on tarot pictures to lucid dream about.)?
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 19
Hi Ravyne,
As per your message that it takes you 3 years to master the astral travelling. Is it correct? It does not looks as simple as lying down and suddenly you find yourself "flying around" Practically it will takes in your case a maximum of 1,095 days if you pratise every night to get where you are now.
Well acquire this new skill takes a lot of determination and time.
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Re: Astral Projection...
Post # 20
For etheric projection, yes... lucid dreams are easier. ^_^

But I think it was more about "getting it" than "getting better with practice"... ever gone through drills in maths or whatever, that you just don't get until it 'clicks'? It can't be really taught-- you just find you own way to understanding, y'know.
So, yeah, patience is needed to progress...but I don't recommend meditating the same way over and over if it just doesn't work for you.
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