Working with Colours

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Working with Colours
Post # 1
This is a short introduction in using colours.

As you all aware we have 7 Charkras govenend by different colours starting with Violet at the Crown / Dark blue 'Brow Pituritary'/ Light Blue 'Throat Thyroid'/ Green 'Heart Thymus / Yellow 'Solar Plex' / Orange 'Abdomen Adrenal' and lastly Red 'Base Gonads'.

You may be thinking what does this have to do with working with colours?

Well firstly as I have said the Chakras are govenend by the differnt colours which play an important part in healing, if a sore throat begins then you would not only treat the infected area with conventional medicines to a leaveate the discomfort you then piture in your minds eye the colour of Light blue and project that blue to the throat this would then speed up the healing process.

Colours project our feelings and emotions which enter our Auras which refect what kind of mood we are feeling on that day.

We can wear a colour we feel so very comfortable in and you can feel great in the colour therefore displaying your in great mood, however wear the same colour twice and you may feel depressed and not in a very good mood.

All colours are positive but also they have negatives too, so it is learning how to use colours in the right way and not because they look nice, for instence wearing all black displays negative there isnt anything there but combine it with a contrasting colour and it looks smart.

When wearing colours for your Meditations and Ritals is a personal choice, some wear a black cloak / dark blue or violets depending how you gell with that particular colour.

In another posting I will expain further on colours in posssitives / negetives plus healing with colours.

Blessed be

Re: Working with Colours
Post # 2
Good job fairy;) Well done!

Re: Working with Colours
Post # 3
canot wait to see more fairy ive always believed that colours take a big part in evry day life nice one

Re: Working with Colours
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
a brilliant explination thank you.

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