Incense making

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Incense making
Post # 1
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier...I called the store (back home) I usually buy from, and he had the answer.

So, for anyone who wants to know when making Tincture of Benzoin to add to your incenses here it is.

2-oz of powedered benzion gum
4-oz of water
12-oz of alcohol
(if you prefer, a teaspoon of glycerin may be added.)

Keep this mixture tightly capped and bottled for two weeks and shake daliy. After two weeks strain and bottle the liquid for use.

Type of alcohol:

Anything 80 proof or better...Brandy, Vodka, Rubbing Alcohol, or yes, 20 year old scotch :-) As long as it's at the least 80 proof its good to go.

...Green Eyes

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