Hedge Riding- How to

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Hedge Riding- How to
Post # 1
Hedge Riding- How to

Note: Do not attempt these exercises if you are suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, are tired suffer from nightmares, are under the influence of drink or drugs, or take medication for depression.

Cast your circle or hallow the compass as usual. If you usually do so, call upon any spirits or deities that you work with or worship. You are creating a space in which to travel to the Otherworld, you are not protecting yourself from 'evil spirits' or 'demons' that will inhabit your body while you are in the Otherworld.

Basic breath control exercises, meditation and focused awareness should be practiced before attempting to Hedge Ride. The idea is to be able to close off all distracting thoughts and stimulus that will impede your ability to Hedge Ride. Practicing visualisation also aids in Hedge Riding. Visualisation is not just daydreaming or imagining things, it exercises the part of the mind that 'sees' through this world into the Otherworld.

Treading the Mill
Technically this is a simple way 'entering the Twilight' but very effective. It involves the practitioner walking in a widdershins (anti-clockwise) circle around a fixed point such as a tree, a rock, a staff thrust into the ground etc, while keeping his or her gaze on the central point. The pace is slow but as the practitioner's awareness becomes more focused and they connect with the land energy and wights (land spirits) they will begin to feel warm and tingly. At this point you will experience different things depending on your technique and the influence of the Otherworld. You may move round more quickly, or slow down even further. You may hear voices, laughter, whispering or nothing at all. Don't be discouraged if nothing happens, sometimes it's just not the right time. Thank any wights who may be present and try again another time.

This is similar to scrying although the experience is a deeper one. It is also called 'fascination' as the practitioner becomes deeply fascinated with gazing into a reflected surface. The best surface to use is a black mirror as it reflects just enough without being so bright as to distract the gazer. Place a lit candle behind you and in such a way as not to reflect in the glass or be seen from the corner of your eye. Look into the mirror and relax your vision, blinking when necessary. The point isn't to try to see anything, as you would with scrying, but to feel as if you are being drawn into the mirror. Allow yourself to go. At first this may feel as if you are creatively daydreaming but the experience will be deeper than that.

This is a technique employed by various mystics and is known to have been used by the Norse Sedir (pronounced Say-dith, they were shamanic sorcerers). Sit comfortably on the floor, legs crossed if you can, and begin a gentle rocking motion back and forth. You may want to hum under your breath or chant as you do. As you feel the trance beginning to take effect focus your attention on your purpose and allow yourself to be taken.

Walking a labyrinth is more difficult as it requires the walker to either know where a labyrinth exists in the land or to construct one. This labyrinth isn't the same as the famous maze of the king Minos, rather a serpentine twisting pattern of energy (ley lines) in the earth. Some are natural labyrinths, as the one found at the base of Glastonbury Tor, or are constructed by diverting energy using metal rods inserted into the earth. Walking a labyrinth means just that, to follow the labyrinth path from the outside to the inside, moving slowly and silently. Symbolically you are leaving the outer world and entering the Otherworld by doing so. Traditionally this would take several hours to walk, to allow contemplation and deeper focus. When the walker reaches the centre, they have entered the Otherworld and may go about their business. To leave, they walk out again, following the same pattern to exit.

Witches' Ladder
A Witches' Ladder is a length of cord or ribbon with a number of knots of beads tied along the length. It is similar to a Catholic rosary or Buddhist prayer beads, and a chant or phrase may be repeated on each count of a knot or bead. This may be accompanied by swaying for greater effect.

In the Otherworld
Everyone's Otherworld experience is different, though there are similarities in the stories of Otherworld journey. The attitude one should take is the same as if you were travelling alone to a foreign country in this world. Learn as much about it from the books available and treat strangers with friendly courtesy but wariness. Wights are generally friendly if treated with respect and good manners can work wonders. However be aware that too much contact with wights can lead to distraction and depression in this world. Kveldulf Gundarsson in his book 'Elves, Wights and Trolls' gives details on the proper behaviour for meeting with these spirits.

Myths abound of travellers in the Otherworld getting lost and never returning, or coming back to find that more than 100 years have passed in their own world. While an attitude of friendly caution is advised while you are in the Otherworld do not be afraid of becoming lost. Depending on the depth or your experience, you can recall yourself to this world or you will wake up naturally when the visit is over.


Re: Hedge Riding- How to
Post # 2
Thank you for posting this :). Are there any other methods for constructing a Labyrinth? As when I was attempting this I don't recall walking through a labyrinth though :S.

Re: Hedge Riding- How to
Post # 3
Hello Neferah,

If you know where there are ley lines in your local area you can attempt to divert them to create a labyrinth but it's very tricky as you want to end up with a shape something like this...


These occur naturally in some areas, like at the base of Glastonbury Tor, as I mentioned in the original post. In this photo, you can clearly see the energetic lines that have naturally cut into the earth...


The idea being you would walk around and around the Tor in the labyrinth pattern until you reached the top, which is the centre and arrive in the Otherworld.

You can draw a labyrinth on the ground and by continued use it would be charged with your own personal energy...


Otherwise try one of the other techniques. Any other questions, feel free to ask.


Re: Hedge Riding- How to
Post # 4
Thank you once again :). I've found records of natural ley lines in the place I live in, but for now I'll just try to draw a Labyrinth.

Re: Hedge Riding- How to
Post # 5
I just loved this post vixiana, especially the special note at the top which should be considered conditions before most practices in magic. Very good. Will be giving this a shot a little later. Thanks again for posting this.

Re: Hedge Riding- How to
Post # 6
I'm glad it's been of some help and interest. If there are any other questions about this subject please feel free to ask.

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