Harry Potter

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Re: Harry Potter
Post # 15
ok, yet again Demon_Hunter you little twit. Refrain from typing when you obviously don't understand what's being said. Everyone knows that there are a few things that J.K Rowling used, such as Cerebus the three headed canine from MYTHOLOGY, in her work on Harry Potter. The whole point of the thread, is to keep kids, like you, from getting confused between what is reality and what is fantasy. You can't wave a wand and levitate something, or expect immediate results. It's just the true nature of magic. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it is what it is. People like you need to learn the true meaning and art of magic before you decide to open your pie hole and try to act like you know everything about everything, when, especially in cases like this, you OBVIOUSLY DON'T! So Until you Actually put research and study time into things, STOP CONFUSING THE NEWBIES! I'm sick and tired of having to correct new students because you think it's funny to sit behind a computer and tell people that harry potter is real. That you actually hunt down and kill demons, and that they can become mythological animals at will. It Doesn't Work That Way! Go outside and quit playing World of WarCraft, it has obviously melted what little of a brain you use.
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Re: Harry Potter
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 16
Yes.SilverVixen, I too am getting rather tired of trying to put the youngsters on the right path. True cases of "a little knowledge being dangerous"! Most posts written on the site are badly spelt, or lazily typed; and, on the whole, a world of fantasy. Some of the young are obviously "having fun"; some acting out their little fantasies. That is not so bad, we "forgive them for they know not what they do". (And in case some know-all writes to "correct" me; that is a direct quote from The New Testament.) However,there are some who want to appear "factual", and then the youngsters believe it! The majority do not even "proof read" their own posts to correct any mistakes in spelling and grammar. Some youngsters wish to learn;many others not only do not wish to learn,they actually wish to teach! Many others,of course, write to make themselves feel important; that,too, can be forgiven; but only if the posts are humorous, and not to be taken seriously.
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Re: Harry Potter
Post # 17
you have no idea how many fifth graders I see every day running around trying to cast spells from HP
its actually kind of funny, watching them
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Re: Harry Potter
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 18
the most realistic show that i've seen so far is supernatural and even this show has many moments where it gets just dumb. But yes it is very entertaining i've seen all the seasons like...4 times now lol. But i still stick to the reality of magick. Real magick is not for movies it is not as exciting as people want it...but our magick has special moments in many other ways...you just need to find what spins your wheels =)
Blessed be!
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Re: Harry Potter
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
Good post,Brim. This will be my last post on this thread. I will ask only this of the young, and the newbies; do you believe what you see? Or what you are told? Watch one type of movie, for instance Bonnie And Clyde. The final scene shows Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway riddled with machine gun bullets. Blood flows from hundreds of bullet holes. Now, I can assure you that both actors are very much alive. The movie is entertainment. However,there are often documentaries and newsreels showing people dead or being killed. They are real! The problem with modern television is knowing the difference. Young people new to my Pagan group will often ask," What exactly is real magic?". I answer that magic is all around us. That there are influences which we are not aware of until we study magic. So I give a simple answer. Throw a few seeds on to soil, cover them with a little soil. Water them. Expose them to the rays of the Sun. Watch them grow. You cannot get much more magical than that!
Bright Blessings to those who know, and to those who have yet to learn.
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Re: Harry Potter
By: / Novice
Post # 20
Y-you don't mean.. I'll never get into Hogwarts.. do you?!?!? *starts sobbing hysterically*.

All jokes aside, it's sad that a post like this even had to be created.
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Re: Harry Potter
Post # 21
I'm in 5th and I can determine reality. I mean, really! obliviate? lumos? get real! it takes time to get something to work, not pointing a bird feather stuffed stick at someone and shouting stupify!
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Re: Harry Potter
Post # 22
youd better shut up jk rowling is te best auther in the world do not insult rowling in frount of me
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Re: Harry Potter
Post # 23
Harry Potter isn’t real!
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Re: Harry Potter
Post # 24

This post is nearly a decade old. Few, if any, of the people that discussed it are still active on the site.

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